Corporate Backlash - The Corporation - Part Nineteen LUNCH CONSISTED OF a glass of carrot juice, a small plate of assorted dried fruits and a bottle of mineral water. Lisa seemed to be taking his diet very seriously. He wolfed it down as if it had been a gourmet meal. Then he set about his confession, he must do this properly, he thought, or I will not have a job to go to on Monday. He scribbled away all afternoon, trying to remember every possible crime he might have committed against women. He was quite convinced that if he forgot one, Lisa would know and he would get the fifty strokes of the cane anyway. At five o'clock on the dot, the schoolroom door opened and his tormentress resumed her seat. "Well?" she said, "Have you finished it?" He noticed her fondling the cane on her desk and quickly got up from his seat and handed her his scribblings. "Now that's a much better attitude. I shall read this later. You have remembered to sign and date it haven't you?" "Yes, Madam." "Good! Now there is still plenty of time before dinner, for you to make yourself useful, and get some nice healthy exercise. I am going to my room to rest. Alice will be supervising you and I want you to treat her with the same respect, as you show me. Is that quite clear?" "Yes Madam". Alice opened the door and entered the room right on cue. She was now wearing a very brief swimming costume and had a towel thrown over her shoulder. As usual she looked incredibly sexy. Lisa picked up the papers and left the room, nodding to Alice as she went. "Well, MISTER Conrad, it's time for you to get some exercise. Maybe, even a little bit of a tan. Strip off, Madam wouldn't want you to dirty those clothes." Jack hesitated, Alice did not appear to be half as threatening as Lisa. "If you don't do as I say, I have been authorised to administer any punishment I see fit. Not only that, but Madam wants a complete report before dinner". She glanced in the direction of the cane. That did it, the cane terrified him, so he complied. He felt stupid standing there stark naked but he also felt stupid dressed as a schoolboy. Heads you lose, tails you lose. "Follow me, please." Alice said, in a tone more like an order than a request. He began to suspect that Alice might be just as dangerous as Lisa, and began to wonder why he hadn't noticed this about her when he had interviewed her for the job. 'Too late now' he thought, as they descended to the ground floor level of the house and out into the gardens. The dogs were lazing around on the outside terrace. They growled at him as he passed by. Alice headed for the swimming pool, settled herself onto a sun lounger, and he was just beginning to wonder if he was to be allowed to do the same, when Alice spoke, "First task," she announced, shattering that illusion, "I want every leaf and insect removed from the top of the water. I intend to take a swim. There is a net over there leaning against that tree. Report back here when you have finished." She cupped her ear with one hand, and waited for his response. "Yes Madam." "That's right!" she said, "Well done. Now get on with it." As he turned to go he noticed that curled up under her lounger was a very beefy looking bullwhip. He sprinted so fast that he almost overshot the tree. For the first time, since this crazy weekend started, he had time to think. The job at hand was not very taxing on his brain. St Claire knew he was here. He must also know what his wife was like. He could hardly have failed to notice, ergo, he must know everything. 'Oh my God' Jack thought as the full impact of that logic hit him. She would surely have told him everything. But St Claire had not shown any sign of it. Perhaps she didn't tell him. Maybe it would spoil her fun. He clutched at that straw, as he decided to pluck up the courage and ask Alice.