From Sun Jan 19 22:58:25 1997 Newsgroups:, Subject: REPOST: Healing Jess, pt3 From: (Rufus T. Firefly) Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1997 03:58:25 GMT Healing Jess Part 5 By: Liette After her terrifying, foundation shaking, confusingly wondrous ordeal, Kevin allowed Jessica some much needed privacy to tend to her morning rituals and pull herself back together, leaving her only with the instructions that she was to wear just a robe, nothing more, and be downstairs for breakfast sometime within the next hour. She sat now at her vanity absently combing her hair. What was happening to her? she wondered, staring at the green eyed woman who suddenly seemed like a stranger. How could she find pleasure in what he had done? Why wasn't she confronting him in moral outrage? "Jessica Marie!" her mother's voice shrieked in her ear. The same way it had all those years ago. "How could you?! How could you do this to me?! What kind of tramp am I raising?!" Jessica cringed now as she had done then. She had been all of nine at the time and fresh from being hospitalized for an intestinal infection. Nothing life threatening, Doctor Radcliff, the family's stern and rather strict matron of a physician had informed them, but one that would keep her confined and under "special" treatment for several weeks. Little Jessica hadn't understood what that conspiratory "special" meant, not until she was wheeled for the first time, flat on her back, into the treatment room. "What's that?" the little girl had asked innocently, temporarily allowed to sit. Doctor Radcliff hadn't even bothered to look up from the mixture she was making of pale yellow liquid and warm water. "It's medicine, dear." There was an awful lot of it Jessica had thought, eyeing the stainless steel pan dubiously. She had then watched the doctor open a drawer and unwrap a large rubber syringe, a distorted version of the smaller one that her mother sometimes flushed her ears with, and thought how nasty the rubber was going to taste, wondering if the medicine would be even worse. "Do I have to drink it all?" she had whispered worriedly to her mother. Wilimina Witthers, beautiful and aloft, regal and unbending, the perfectly polished matriarch-in-waiting of the Witthers line, had graced her daughter with a cool, prudent smile. "You aren't going to drink it, darling." Not understanding, Jessica had wanted to ask more, to find out just how the mysterious medicine was to going work then, but her mother had frowned, a silent warning that children should be seen not heard, and Doctor Radcliff had started speaking. "Lie down now, Jessica, and turn on your side," the matron had instructed. She had, aided by the shy little nurse that had been waiting meekly in the corner. It didn't alarm her at first that the women didn't release her, not even when the doctor had brought the pan and set it somewhere behind her and confided in her mother that she hoped "the child wasn't fussy." Only when her gown was raised and her leg lifted and bent at the knee had she begun to squirm uncomfortably. "Be still, Jessica," he mother had ordered. The nurse had taken her leg then, shushing her, and a firm hand had spread her little buttocks. "Mama?" A finger touched her where even she had never dared. Warm and sticky it had pressed at her, worming its way inside. "Mama!" she had wailed, terrified by the intruder. It was painful and strange. She twisted around, trying to dislodge it. "Quiet, child," the nurse had whispered with some urgency. "Hold still and it will all be over soon." Sure enough, the probing digit was withdrawn and Jessica, sniffling, quieted. In another instant, however, she felt the firm tip of the rubber syringe nudging to take its place. She squealed and jerked, understanding at last. They were going to put the medicine in her bottom! "Jessica!" her mother had commanded in her most authoritative voice. It didn't matter. As soon as it became obvious that the situation was out of hand, Doctor Radcliff had backed off to pronounce, "We'll have to use the straps. Patricia." The little nurse had released her, but her mother was there instantly, holding her still and hissing in her ear to behave like a proper young lady. Then the bands had come, wide belts that wrapped her twisting body, pinning her firmly to the table. She'd wept as the rubber had poked into her again and shrieked when the warm solution had flooded and stung her bowels. A cotton ball had held it in, the pressure building with each new application, until she felt she was going to burst. They had made her hold it then, weeping and screaming, until finally rolling her to her back and allowing her to release herself into a metal pan. It had been a horrible and demeaning experience, repeated time and again, day after day, but the worst was still to come. Near the end of her stay she had been wheeled again into the dreaded room, already restrained due to repeated fits, and the treatment had begun without any new incident. It had been then that the doctor had inadvertently brushed the sensitive underdeveloped area between her legs. Jessica had jumped at the unexpected tickle of sensation. "Mrs. Witthers," the doctor had called her mother over, disapproving and cool. Jessica was brushed again, this time deliberately, and squirmed at the touch. "I believe this child is... excited," the woman had pronounced with a trace of disgust. "Surely not," her mother had objected in horror. "See for yourself." Another brush. Another squirm. Jessica whimpered, not understanding their words or the little sparks that shot through her. "Dear God!" her mother had exclaimed. And that was all she had said until she had gotten Jessica home two days later. That was when the yelling started, the condemnation and accusations. Jessica had wept bitterly, not understanding what her mother meant or why it was so important that her remaining treatments had been ice cold, making her cramp, until Wilimina had sensed the weakness of her confusion and gone into great and lengthy detail on the proper behavior of proper ladies, stressing emphatically that receiving any pleasure, any sensations at all except proper shame, from being touched "back there", or even "down there", was strictly forbidden and the mark of a cheap and common street walker. Full comprehension hadn't come for years, but it had stayed with her a lifetime. Until Kevin, Jessica thought now. She had slowly come to understand and accept over the years that traditional sex, or even a little experimentation, wasn't wrong or shameful, even before she'd met her husband, but it was only though his encouragement and support that she had learned to open herself completely. Or so she had thought. Until last night. Until this morning. Was it wrong of her to respond the way she had? she asked the stranger silently, aching with the need to know. To experience such sinful bliss, such forbidden pleasure? Kevin hadn't seemed to think so, had even maneuvered her into receiving it, but she had no gage against which to measure herself. Women, the women she knew anyway, would never dream of admitting to such a thing let alone be willing to discuss it. Was she normal then? Justified? Permitted? Or was she behaving like the lowly tramp her mother had warned she could become? Kevin loved her, she knew that, but trapped by his own overwhelming urges, had he sensed that potential in her and drawn it out, wanting to glimpse a forbidden fantasy, but hoping that's all it would be? If so, was he hiding shame for her even now? Could she ever be the same in his eyes again? Did she want to? The questions whirled through Jessica's mind, making her dizzy. She loved Kevin so much, she couldn't bear it if he.... She shook her head, forcing the thought away. She was too confused, too upset, to think clearly. She would just have to go cautiously, wait, allow things to unfold, surrender to his lead and hope for the best. His rules, she thought. Her decision? Suddenly faint chimes sounded from the great grandfather clock in the hall, reminding her of the time, and grateful for the diversion, she pressed her insecurities as far back as they would go, threw on her robe, and went downstairs to pretend that her life was still normal. "Well, there you are," Kevin announced, half turning from the stove to smile warmly. He was back in his jeans and sweatshirt making her very conscious of her nakedness, despite the wooly folds of her robe. "What are you making?" she asked, pretending this was just an ordinary Saturday morning, that her mind wasn't tipping precariously with unanswered questions. "Breakfast," he grinned at the obvious, then added, "A little something special for my special girl." Jessica smiled and told her stomach to be patient. Kevin loved to cook, he was exceptional at it, and over the past few days had taken the items of her rather bland diet and whisked them together into imaginative and mouth watering concoctions. Not that it would matter much now. She had missed dinner last night and was positively ravenous. Kevin stopped stirring the contents in the double boiler and turned the heat under it to low. Placing the wooden spoon aside he came to her and pulled her into his arms. Jessica melted against him, her turbulent thoughts beginning to lull. The warmth she felt from him was genuine. "Can I sit?" she asked after a moment. She was still shaky, but didn't dare move without his permission. "Of course, baby." Kevin seemed to understand. "In Daddy's favorite chair." Jessica stifled a groan of exasperation. He wasn't going to lapse for a moment. A glance around showed her the item he was referring to, retrieved from its basement hideaway where it was usually locked when the ever curious household staff was on duty. It was indeed a chair, a reclined chair, wood and padding, with wide spread legs and armrests that held four leather cuffs, each tacked permanently by large brass studs. It always reminded her of an inclined electric chair. But Kevin positively cherished it, being one of his own inventions, so she went and sat quickly, fearing he would withhold her meal at the slightest display of hesitation. Once she was seated her husband fasted each of the cuffs about her wrists and ankles until she was completely immobilized. He sometimes added another restraint, the leather discipline belt from the night before, wrapped around the back to force her to stay reclined, but today he seemed content to leave her as she was. A moment later she discovered why. "It's a little warm in here, don't you think?" he asked innocently, raising his hand to sample the air. Indeed, it was a bit warm, more so than an October day in the mountains warranted. He must have turned the heat up. "Daddy wouldn't want his baby to get hot," he added with a comical leer. To prove the point he took advantage her position to undo the tie and push the edges of her robe open - wide open, exposing her high firm breasts, smooth flat stomach, and slightly parted nether lips, all naked and vulnerable, for all the world to see. "Kevin!" "Yes, baby?" He continued to leer, his gaze settling hotly between her legs. "Do you have something to say?" Because his hand had strayed to the pocket with the gag, Jessica quickly shut her mouth. It was all she could shut. "No? Are you hungry then? You missed dinner last night and that was very naughty." But it wasn't her fault, was Jessica's immediate thought. Wisdom told her, however, that if she voiced that opinion he would either insist she had caused her own problems the night before or he would use the gag. Either way she would lose. She said nothing, neither denying or confirming the accusation. "My baby learns quickly," he said, obviously having anticipated her. "For that she's forgiven." Pleased with herself, Jessica watched her husband ladle up some gooey substance from the boiler and bring the bowl to sit in one of their regular dining chairs in front of her. He spooned up a bit and blew on it a few times. "Open the hanger door," he teased, levitating it at eye level. Embarrassed, Jessica opened her mouth. The spoon twirled down, angled in, and then she was sucking sweet creamy oatmeal off the end. It was flavored with honey and spice and she murmured appreciation. For the better part of breakfast, Kevin fed her steadily using all the cute phrases normally reserved for an infant. During the process several gooey droplets dribbled down her chin, but he didn't retrieve them. Jessica didn't mind. She was starving and the food was wonderful. Finally, he scraped the last bite from the bowl and tipped it over her tongue. Though she tried, the oatmeal escaped her and oozed over her lips and chin. "Messy," Kevin chided with a frown. Then he smiled wryly. "Daddy will just have to clean you up." To Jessica's surprise, her husband didn't reach for a napkin. Instead, he set the bowl aside and bent toward her. His lips touched hers, his tongue tracing their curve in a seductive and insinuating manner. She returned his attention, sharing each morsel, until he sat back and smiled. "Mummmm." He smacked his lips for emphasis. "Not bad with the right flavoring." Jessica blushed and pretended to squirm for escape when he started on her chin. When he was finished, her face warm and glistening, he laughed delightedly. "Not bad at all. Is my baby still hungry?" A double meaning and she agreed eagerly to both. Fidgeting with anticipation she watched him go and refill the bowl. This time he made her work for each bite, craning her neck, and made great efforts to spill her misses not just down her chin, but onto her chest as well. A few dollops of the warm sticky mess even made it to her navel. When he was down to the last few spoonfuls, Kevin set the bowl aside again. "You're absolutely shameless," he teased, lapping at her chin. "Maybe I should punish you for being so messy." "W... what?" Jessica stammered. He sounded so serious, but contriving infractions was strictly against the rules. "You object?" He sat back. "You can't. That isn't fair," she pointed out smugly. "That...." Too late, Jessica saw the gleam in his eye and realized his trick. He had baited her and now.... Before she could shut her mouth the rubber ball was back between her lips and her husband was grinning triumphantly. "Why didn't I think of this before?" He asked, laughing over her muffled rejoiner. "I really do like this, Jess. Maybe someday when I'm not being so absolutely perfect...." The chair actually scraped the floor with the force her response. Kevin nearly fell to the floor rolling with his. He did manage to quiet them both, however, by leaning forward to lap at a gooey trail down her left breast. He started near her collar bone and worked his way downward in slow wet circles until his lips fastened on the rosy nipple. Raising laughing eyes, he twirled his tongue lazily over the hardening nub until, vanquished, she lay back and moaned. Only when he was satisfied, several long minutes later, did he lap up the rest and begin traveling lower to give attention to the a large dollop hanging precariously over her navel. He circled it a few times, making her wiggle, before finally sucking between his lips. "You know," he said, sitting back to catch his breath which was now coming a bit raggedly. "Some of the best beauty consultants swear that oatmeal is good for the pores. I wonder if they would recommend it for skin that has definitely been lacking attention?" Jessica wasn't quite sure what he was getting at and watched curiously as her husband dipped his fingers into the remainder of her breakfast. When he scooped out half the contents and grinned wickedly, however, she begin to suspect, and squirm. No! Yes! He couldn't mean...! Could he?! Jessica Kenhill groaned aloud when the warm oatmeal squished against her naked mound. Kevin spread it around liberally, grinning the entire time, before reaching into the bowl again. The final bit of her meal was then dropped and smoothed over her naked lips, down and around, filling each nook and crevice. "I suppose I should clean that up too," Kevin said innocently. "Shall I get a napkin?" Already trapped by the warm wet feel of it, Jessica abandoned pride and collapsed back, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "No?" "Mmmmmuuuummm!" There was a brief moment's laughter and then his tongue was tracing a delicate line just across her upper pelvis. Shamelessly, Jessica wiggled this way and that trying to pull herself further up to meet his questing lips. "Patience, my love," he cooed softly. Then his lips were caressing her smooth, newly shorn mound. Jessica moaned and spread her knees as far as they would go. Kevin teased her mercilessly, gently probing her folds, dutifully lapping up the sweet gooey mush, but always managing to miss the throbbing wanting center of her. Finally, just when she thought she would die from denial, the very tip of his tongue made one light sweep over her swollen twitching clit. Jessica jumped, close to sobbing, and begged desperately in muffled gasps. She needn't have worried. Kevin was just as trapped and ready to get serious. In firm, gentle strokes he caressed her button, running the warm wetness of his tongue over the fold of the hood, then down and deeper, further and more insistent, until, in one brazen plunge, he penetrated her moist hot center. Jessica writhed in unabashed pleasure. Laughing deep in his throat, Kevin guided his warm strokes in a steady rhythm, taking time to nuzzle her swollen bud over and over until she was shuddering on the brink of madness. In the last instant he gently sealed his mouth over the tortured nub and suckled it like a child, carefully grazing the sensitized flesh lightly with edge of his teeth. "Mmmmf! Muummm! MMMMMMM!" Jessica bucked and writhed, the waves of ecstasy sweeping her away on a relentless and irresistible tide. Frozen in time, her body arched outward to meet him, shaking in a palsy of delightful convulsion. Time and again the waves crashed over her, buffeting her, rocking her, shaking her foundation, until finally, with torturous slowness, the quaking relinquished her, subsiding away to soft and gentle tremors. "Jesus, Jess." Kevin was sitting back on his heels, licking his lips, when Jessica's senses began to return. "That's twice today." Breathing furiously through her nose, Jessica was too desperate to expend the effort to blush. She needed....! Sensing her difficulty immediately, Kevin tore the gag away. ...Air! Falling back, Jessica heaved great gasping breaths. "Damn!" Kevin swore unhappily. quickly undoing the cuffs to pull her panting into his arms. "I'm so sorry, baby." "Why?" Jessica managed, clutching onto him as if her were the anchor to her world. "That was wonderful." Pulling her back, Kevin smiled his relief and shook his head at her. "It wouldn't have been so wonderful if you'd passed out, now would it?" "You're right," she giggled, giddy with the pleasure of release. "You would have bragged forever that you could literally knock your wife out." Kevin looked at her as if he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Taking advantage of his diversion, Jessica quickly seized the opportunity and ran her hand down his chest and stomach to firmly cup the conspicuous bulge that pressed at the front his jeans. Kevin always got hard pleasuring her and she nearly always returned the favor. Though it wasn't exactly her favorite, she enjoyed taking him that way simply because he loved it so very much. Today was different, however. Sensing her intent, Kevin seized her hand and brought it to his lips. Kissing her fingers, he smiled at her disappointment. "You've already eaten," he teased, turning her vivid red. "I'll let you help me with the dishes though." Not really surprised, Jessica knew that his refusal was meant to keep him firmly in control. While he was the dominant, things had to be his idea and on his terms. Though little bits of initiative had sometimes earned her freedom in the past, this time he wasn't giving an inch. She wondered just how long he was planning to continue this particular session. If Kevin sensed her question, he skillfully ignored it. After wiping her over with a warm wet rag, he directed her to redress herself and then to help him tidy the kitchen. He took his time and didn't rush, not allowing her to either by stopping frequently to kiss and caress her. Before she knew it nearly a half an hour had gone by, pointed out when Kevin suddenly glanced at the clock and nodded. "That should do it," he said smiling. "Do what?" Jessica asked, still wiping down the table. "I think it's safe now." She stared at him blankly. "You're swim," he elaborated. "You can swim now without cramping." "Oh." Jessica realized she had entirely forgotten her morning swim. Strange really since missing it usually left her feeling cranky. "You don't need me to help?" "Go on," Kevin prompted. "But, Jess...." She paused in the midst of dropping the cleaning rag. "... Daddy doesn't want you to change." Touching the folds of her robe, Jessica hesitated. She had never swam naked before and the very idea brought a flush to her cheeks. Then again, she realized, the staff had the weekend off so who was there to see her? Only Kevin. Still a bit embarrassed, she turned and headed for the swimming pool. Around the corner, she slid aside the sliding glass door and paused a moment to glance back at the kitchen. Her husband was pure devil. The swimming pool was indoors, a large tiled oval that filled the enormous glassed solarium like a recreation of an ancient roman bath. It was also right off of the kitchen which was given a great view of the entire patio by the span of picture windows that flanked the wall behind the sink. Kevin would have quite a scene to finish washing the dishes the by. No wonder he had insisted there weren't enough of them to bother loading the dishwasher. Shaking her head, Jessica continued on, pulling the door shut behind her. The room was humid and warm and smelled strongly of chlorine despite the abundance of potted hothouse greenery that lined the paned walls. Above, through the mist of seasonal condensation, the October sky was a brilliant blue, belying the certain chill outside. It was that chill, fall and spring, and the intervening harsh winters that had prompted Kevin to build this room for her in the first place. She loved to swim and he loved to join her, sometimes choosing only to watch while tending his beloved vegetation. Thinking of his eyes on her now, and determined to reward the deviousness of his scheme, Jessica walked slowly to the deepest end of the pool, directly beneath where her husband was sure to be standing and very slowly, very seductively, undid the tie and slipped the robe to just below her shoulders. Pivoting slowly, she made a great show of stretching each leg, one at a time, flashing just a glimpse of each creamy thigh and dropping the folds without actually exposing any cleavage. She continued her tantalizing prance, showing a little more here and a little less there, until she was absolutely certain he was hanging on her every move. Then, suddenly, knowing what he was waiting for, Jessica turned her back, denying his pleasure, and dove out and away, abandoning her robe and plunging smoothly into the warm rippling water in one graceful motion. Continued..... Healing Jess Part 6 By: Liette "You little witch," Kevin muttered beneath a laugh, watching his wife's flawless frame slip elusively into the water. She was now only a pale blur gliding effortlessly beneath the ripples, her tantalizing details a mere flicker of a dream. Groaning, Kevin realized he had been unconsciously rubbing the front of his jeans up and down against the edge of the counter and quickly stood back. Jessica could do that to a man, with or without her erotic little dances, and Kevin was on the verge of tearing his clothes off and following her. Which was exactly what she was hoping for, he guessed. His wife wasn't stupid, far, far from it. With minimal and seemingly innocent effort she could easily turn the tide in her favor. Not knowing the extent of his plans, she wasn't above rushing the game to its climax. And what if she did know? he wondered, studiously returning his attention, or as much as he could manage, back to the dishes. Would she protest and call an end? Maybe so, but he had come too far to let that happen. One by one he intended to relax the rules, diminishing the idea of punishment without relinquishing that final shred of control. It wasn't that he wanted to completely dominate his wife, he only wanted her to learn that by subduing her recklessness she had the means of satisfying both of their needs. Finally placing the last of the dishes on the rack, Kevin paused to wash the suds from his hands. Beyond the window, Jessica seemed to have abandoned her normal laps, rolling gracefully to her back to measure out the length of the pool in slow lazy strokes. Transfixed, Kevin savored her open invitation and carefully dried his hands before going out to join her. Pulling the door shut behind him, Kevin entered his wife's sanctuary breathing deeply of the rich mixture of tilled earth and chlorine. With all the pretense of ignoring her seductive glide, he walked the edge of the pool, carefully tending his plants and checking each for dryness. Behind him he caught the occasional splash of water that betrayed his wife's proximity, confirmed by casual glances which showed him that she was pacing his progress, ducking away with each turn of his head to disappear in a ring of ripples like a bashful mermaid. Only when he reached the scattering of lounges at the shallow end of the pool did Kevin turn to give her his full attention. Fully in her element, his wife ducked away again, disappearing in a flurried blur to reappear a moment latter bobbing slowly at the center of the pool. Flashing him a grin of invitation, she ached up, disappeared again, and resurfaced even further. "Tease," he murmured, relishing each glimpse she allowed him. But he wouldn't follow. That would be too easy. Instead, he slowly stripped bare, purposely flexing his well muscled body, and casually waded down the tiled steps to sit on the lowest. The warm water lapped at his waist, caressing his manhood back to throbbing erection. Smiling, he beckoned with his hand. Slightly perplexed, Jessica made a slow and cautious advance. She would glide a bit, dive, then bob to the surface again a scant few inches closer. Finally, curiosity got the better of her. She made one graceful plunge and Kevin knew she was his. Reclining back, he closed his eyes and waited. Eventually a small wash across his stomach told him his wife was very near. Still reclining, giving all the show of nonchalance, Kevin continued to wait. It was the longest seconds of his life. A small current around his legs was the first indication of her stealthy presence, followed closely by an increase in warmth hovering near his groin. A instant later, Jessica's nails grazed ever so lightly along the underside of his stiff shaft. Shivering, Kevin clenched his hands on the concrete rim and forced himself to stay still. His control was soon rewarded by the sound of deep breathing, a small ripple, and the sudden warmth of her tongue tracing the recent path of her fingers. When it reached the swollen head, twirling in lazy circles, he couldn't stifle himself any longer. Gritting his teeth he groaned out loud. An tendril of pixie laughter followed the sound, another deep breath, and then her lips were around him. Taking just the head, she suckled it lovingly, rolling her mouth so that it brushed along the insides of her hollowed cheeks. When he arched his hips, unable to endure her wicked teasing, she mercifully obliged him. Opening her throat, she raised up, breaking the water's surface to inhale deeply through her nose, then plunged again, moving steadily lower, until his shaft was deeply immersed and her tongue was tracing the very edge of his sensitive root. Damn, she's good! was Kevin's only coherent thought as the blinding euphoria begin to build within him. Slow and firm her mouth and tongue worked back along the entire length of him, the bob her head creating small waves that tumbled up his stomach and chest. Her tongue made long sweeping circles, tantalizing him, driving him to panting gasps, while her fingers joined the play by gently kneading his balls and teasing the sensitive skin beneath. She worked steadily and skillfully, using the rare pauses for air to hold him indefinitely just on the brink of total insanity. Finally, when he thought he could stand no more, she took him completely, all the way down her throat, and began the steady pressured rhythm that made him writhe for the bliss of release. After a small slice of intoxicating eternity Kevin began to feel his climax reaching its inevitable peak and started to draw her away, but to his surprise, Jessica grasped his legs and took him impossibly deeper. Whether it was for the sake of his pleasure or the sake of her pristine pool, he would never know, but when he shuddered convulsively, body bowed, teeth clenched, releasing his seed in violent and mindless pleasure, she took it all, suckling him eagerly, until she had drained him of every last drop. Even then, as he panted in the aftermath, she continued to lap at him, bathing him with the warm roughness of her tongue, until he was trembling and spent and ready to give her anything. Almost anything. Moaning contentedly, Kevin eventually opened his eyes and brought his head up to look at his wife. Jessica was kneeling by his side, panting softly, her chin propped on his bent knee. A look of pure mirth sparkled in her green eyes. "You are a wicked one, aren't you?" he teased breathlessly. "You didn't like?" she returned innocently, leaning seductively toward him and wetting her lips. Beneath the water, however, she had tensed, ready to take flight again. Kevin quickly seized her wrist and pulled her closer before she could make good on her escape. "Oh no you don't," he laughed. "After what she just did for him, Daddy's wonderful little mermaid isn't getting away that easily." The slightest of flickers betrayed her disappointment. Still confident under his praise, however, she let him pull her under his arm. "Another lap?" she pleaded. It was hard not to give in, she'd done something so new and bold, but Kevin didn't have the strength to endure further enticements at the moment. Despite his desire to reward her, he needed time to cool down. "Maybe later, baby," he hedged, smiling at her convincing pout. "Daddy was thinking that he'd rather take his little girl riding." "Really?" Jessica had pulled back to look at him in surprise. Good. Her pleasure was reward enough. They had planned a good ride earlier, but she hadn't expected that he would stick to it. Trussing her up and tormenting her was more akin to a normal lesson. But, then again, this was no normal lesson and he would have plenty of time to resort to the basics later. "Really," he agreed. "As soon as we've dried off." The ride was a wonderful diversion for both husband and wife. The drive to the stables took fifteen minutes, being a winding gravel road leading to the west quarter of the estate, and Jessica and Kevin spent it in silent companionship as he guided her jeep over the bumpy terrain. It was surprising really. Jessica usually fretted terribly whenever he dared to drive her precious Cherokee. He wondered what she was thinking. Kevin was still wondering when they pulled into the gravel yard in front of the Kenhill stables. Some of his friends had thought him crazy when he had it built so far from the house, but it was remote on purpose, allowing a certain degree of privacy between him and the spacious cottage where the head groom and his wife held residence. Since marrying Jess it had become even more of a blessing. He doubted his keen eyed groom would miss much of what transpired between them. Still, a certain amount of courtesy was necessary and after the required halfhearted protests of being an intrusion, he and Jessica joined Jacob and wife in nice cup of tea. A short while later they were mounted and free, laughing together over Anita's outrageous tidbits of gossip. "Do you want to ride the high ridge?" Jessica asked once they had completed a second circuit of their favorite path along the south bend of the Cambird River. Beneath her, her horse pranced restlessly, snorting white wisps in the crisp mountain air. Kevin would have like nothing better than to take the steep path that offered the most breathtaking view, but didn't miss the mild note of dissuasion in his wife's voice. Indeed, she was looking a bit weary and he suddenly remembered Marcus' warning that the drug he had prescribed would initially make her prone to fatigue. He could always go alone, he knew, and she would be content to obey his orders and wait, but then he thought better of the idea and shook his head. Jess had been such a good sport so far, already heeding his instructions to stay in sight, relinquishing her usual headlong gallop to stay close by his side, and she deserved some consideration. He was definitely making progress. After another quiet drive, Kevin helped Jessica inside and out of her coat. She started for the kitchen murmuring something about finding them a hot drink, but he quickly stopped her. "No, baby," he answered the curious tip of her head. "I'd rather you take a nap right now." "A nap?" she laughed, not taking him seriously. "A nap," he agreed. "Daddy's angel is tired. I can tell." A small frown creased her brow. "But...." "No buts," he insisted. Then he pulled her close and kissed her forehead before continuing seriously. "Come on, Jess. You are tired." "A nap?" she asked again dubiously. Suddenly he understood her hesitation. "A time out," he assured her, realizing she feared an ulterior motive, perhaps similar to the liberties he had taken the night before. By offering a time out she could sleep unmolested and escape again for another short period of privacy. What she didn't know was that he too needed some time, to do a little planning. Following her up the stairs, Kevin couldn't resist a few playful slaps to her bottom. It was too tempting in the tight fit of her jeans and made him toy a moment with the idea of joining her. But she was eager for the time alone. "I can do this myself," she tried to stall at the bedroom door, glancing at him doubtfully. He would respect her wishes then. Raising his hands, Kevin was the picture of innocence. "Daddy only wants to tuck you in." Sure enough, once she had disappeared into the bathroom, he merely made up the bed, adding sheets and blankets and topping it with a comforter, and sat patiently to wait. When she returned, wearing an emerald green satin nightshirt, her look of surprise was reward enough. Poor Jess, he thought wickedly as he helped her beneath the covers. He had made her so suspicious and couldn't resist playing on it. Suddenly feeling a little guilty about that, he tried to make amends by having her roll on her stomach and massaging her shoulders until her eyes grew heavy and slipped closed and her breathing grew slow and regular. Careful not to wake her, Kevin pulled the comforter around her and quietly withdrew. Downstairs he poured a snifter of brandy, lit a fire in the parlor's fireplace, and reached for his cellular phone. End of Chapter 3 Healing Jess Part 7 By: Liette A faint ringing drew Jessica from slumber. Disoriented, it took her a moment to recall where she was. She wasn't used to sleeping during the day and it had admittedly left her fuzzy. Regaining a semblance of coherency, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. An instant later, she threw back the covers. Thank God! she thought, looking herself over carefully. Kevin had been true to his word and hadn't attempted anymore handiwork. Everything was just as it should be, nothing else missing, nothing added. But what now? she had to wonder. Kevin wasn't finished with her, that she was sure of. Still, how long did he plan to carry this out? Usually, by now he would be on the verge of relenting, but so far she had seen no indication. In fact, if anything, he seemed more determined. And what of his puzzling behavior? He was being much more lenient than usual and that had her worried. "You're up." Kevin's voice made Jessica jump and whirl. He raised his eyebrows at her reaction, but didn't chide her. "I... I thought I heard something," she stammered uncertainly. "Probably the wind," he supplied, reclining in the doorway. "It's picked up since we came in." Cocking her head, Jessica could indeed hear the distant sounds of rattling window panes. She looked back at her husband. He was still watching her. "Do you want me to get dressed?" she asked when he didn't offer any instructions. "Are you cold?" "No," she realized aloud, noting the warmth for the first time. "Did you turn up the heat?" "A little," he admitted, finally leaving the doorway to come and take her hands. "Daddy doesn't want his baby to catch a chill." In other words, don't dress, she decided. Damn. "You aren't afraid of drafts?" "I've started a fire," he countered, pulling her to him. When she was pressed against him, Kevin captured her lips in a deep kiss. Instinctively, her arms went around his neck and his hands ran down to cup her bottom. "Besides," he added, slipping his fingers into her panties and kneading the firm flesh. "Daddy intends to keep his precious girl very, very warm." "Does he?" Jessica purred, too content to fear his motives. "Oh, yes," her husband murmured. Much to her disappointment, Kevin soon slid his hands free and held her to arms length. Without speaking, he turned her around and signaled for her to close her eyes and wait. She did and a moment later something soft and velvety was placed over her face. It covered her eyes in a wide band and was tightened around her head to keep them shut. The sudden realization that she was to blinded didn't bother Jessica. It was common enough, even when she wasn't being punished. Though the first time he had done it had made her heart trill with panic, she now accepted it without comment, secretly relishing the heightened sensations it gave and the complete trust it demanded. Still silent, Kevin didn't waste any time admiring his work. He swept her into his arms and she felt their progress as he carried her unerringly down the stairs and into the front parlor. When he set her down, the silken threads and encompassing crackling heat told she was on the sheepskin in front of a blazing fire. "Are you hungry?" Kevin's voice startled her, but she only nodded eagerly. She didn't know how long she'd slept, but she was starving again. She felt his movements around her and then next to her as he sat on the rug. "Open your mouth, baby." The morsel of biscuit he dropped on her tongue was moist and flaky and tinged with cinnamon. One of her favorites. She suckled it to paste, savoring the flavor, then opened her mouth for another. For a long while Kevin continued to feed her, adding bits of goat's cheese and an occasional sip of fragrant tea. In the end, when she reluctantly declined another tidbit, not wanting to stuff herself uncomfortably, he wiped her chin and conveyed his satisfaction though another kiss. When he finally pulled back, she sighed wistfully. "Lie on your stomach, love," he said, his voice riding the faint click of the plate and cup being set on the coffee table. Content and sated, she rolled over, not even minding that he slipped her panties off of her as she did. A soft pillow was placed under her chin and she stretched lazily, enjoying the feel of sheepskin on her naked pubis where the tail of her shirt had ridden up. There were more faint noises, muted by the fire's hiss, but she hardly paid attention until she felt her husband's hands on her ankles. "Open up for Daddy," Kevin insisted when she tensed reflexively against his attempts to spread her legs. She relaxed and he gently pulled them apart. More curious than apprehensive she waited for what he would do next. It took her completely by surprise. Half expecting him to tease her with his fingers or fondle her fanny at the very least, she was unprepared for the stiff bar that she suddenly found strapped between her ankles. "Kev?" She started to shift. "Don't move," he said sweetly, placing a calming hand on the back of her thigh. Before she could even think of another query, Jessica felt the cold arc of a brace hug her left calf and knee and a velcro cuff being fastened around the lower part of her thigh. A second was quickly fitted to the right. Startled, she tried to wiggle away, but found her knees locked into place, unable to bend. "Kevin?" This time her voice was tinged with worry. It wasn't often that Kevin used the clinical looking braces, only when he felt she was likely to try to evade him. Seriously try. Another set could easily be used on her arms, so she tucked them protectively beneath her. Not that it did any good. Without answering Kevin moved around her, a faint rustling on the rug, and pulled her wrists out from under her. "Please, don't," she begged, alarmed now. "Hush, baby," he responded. "You aren't fussing are you?" Terribly afraid he would gag her, Jessica shook her head and let him extend her arms above her head. He didn't use the braces, but almost as bad, he secured them with the satin lined handcuffs, threading them first around the heavy immovable leg of the sofa. "What are you doing?" she pleaded softly. "Daddy has a surprise for you," he breathed so close to her ear that she started. Laughing, he lapped it once and straddled her, balancing over the small of her back. Beginning at her neck, Kevin pressed his fingers deeply into Jessica's spine. She stiffened at first, but slowly began to relax when he only proceeded to give her one his much adored back rubs. He continued massaging and kneeding her tensed muscles until he had her reduced to little more than a puddle of jelly. Half dozing under his skillful caresses, listening to him softly hum an old time waltz, Jessica let her mind drift further and further away. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even realize that her husband had removed his weight from her until she felt him tugging at the pillow under her head. "Wha...?" she began. "Shush," he quieted her. "Daddy needs this." She let him take it and nuzzled her face contentedly against the satiny sheepskin. When he raised her gently and slipped it, doubled over, under her hips, it took a full minute for her to register the fact that her bottom was now elevated and vulnerably spread. "Kev...?" She began again, suddenly fully awake. "Don't say a word," her husband spoke over her concerned protest. "Unless you'd rather not have a choice." The threat quieted her until his light touch along her exposed cleft made her voice her alarm again. "Not a word," Kevin insisted, making her bite her tongue. "Be good and let Daddy take care of you. He knows what's best." When his finger gently traced her anus, Jessica might have abandoned caution, but the faint squish and cold dollop of K-Y stole the words away. Panicked, she started to squeeze her cheeks together, but a sharp slap and the confining braces kept her from completing the effort. An instant later his finger was poking its way inside of her. "Don't fight me, baby," Kevin commanded softly, registering the resistance to his intrusion. Despite her rebellion his finger began to move more easily helped by the lubrication. Ignoring her tiny gasps, muted by the sheepskin, he removed it and quickly applied a second dose, sliding in deeply and slowly withdrawing. When he was finished he patted her cheeks. "There," he said. "That wasn't so terrible, was it? Now Daddy's going to do like he did last night and he doesn't want you to fuss." What did he mean? Jessica didn't understand when he parted her cheeks wide. Surely he couldn't mean to give another treatment, it was too soon, but except for the diaper.... Something rounded and firm touched her anus and, like the spark of a match, she suddenly remembered the strange object he had used to hold the water. A plug?! "No, Kevin! Please!" Jessica wailed, determined to be heard despite the fear of being gaged. Until last night he had never even owned such a thing. Using it to aide her treatment was one thing, but.... Her pleas had no effect. Kevin continued pressing the plug slowly into her while keeping her still with a firm hand on her back. She wept and jerked, straining against the cuffs, but it continued to slip forward, stretching her wider, until finally her sphincter closed abruptly over its thin base. A broad rim held it in, without allowing it to disappear inside of her. Through her horror, Jessica realized that this object was different from the one he'd used before. It was thinner, not painful or unbearably uncomfortable, but it was also longer and filled her to the point where she reflexively wanted to expel it. "Take it out!" she cried, pushing down with no success. "Please! I don't like it! Please take it out!" "Jess." Kevin ignored her violent attempts to free her wrists and came to stroke her hair. "Be still and you'll get used to it." "No, I don't want to!" she screamed, twisting her head away. "Jessica." He sounded firmer now. "Listen to Daddy. You had a difficult time last night, it wouldn't hurt you any to get used to having something in your backside. Think of how easy it'll make your next treatment." "No! I don't care! I'm not taking anymore treatments!" Jessica screeched, beyond caution and rebelling in helplessness, not to mention horrified at the thread of excitement that was growing between her legs. "I'll leave first! I'll escape and then I'll...!" Whap! The smooth object that smacked her writhing buttocks was unmistakably a varnished wooden paddle. Jessica gasped at the sting and let out a yowl. Whap! Whap! Whap! Three more blows hit her in rapid succession. "You'll what?" Kevin asked, surprisingly calm. Divorce you, were the next words on her lips, but she was sobbing too hard to say them. He wasn't trying to hurt her, not really, but the sting of each blow and her helplessness to avoid them was severely damaging her pride. It was just as well. If she had uttered such an obvious lie, Kevin would have rewarded her accordingly. "Well?" No answer. Whap! "Jess?" She bit her lip. Whap! Whap! Jessica could take no more. "Don't please. I... I'll be good," she finally chocked, weeping with defeat. "Really?" The paddle had come to rest on her cheeks and, desperate, Jessica nodded against the rug. "I promise. I'll be good." The paddle disappeared and Kevin's hands lightly soothed the sting away. "That's my girl," he cooed. Humiliated, Jessica lay still and let him fondle her. Presently he moved away again, undid the braces, and removed the bar from between her ankles. Setting them somewhere out of the way, he then guided her to her knees and told her be still. She did as she was told and a moment later she felt the discipline belt being fastened around her. When it was in place, Kevin removed the handcuffs, sat her up, and refastened them so that they were clipped through one the belt's rings, keeping her hands at her waist. "Just to be sure," he explained, knowing her too well to allow total freedom. "Now come here, my precious love, and let Daddy make it all better." Jessica didn't want to, she was furious with him, but she couldn't bring herself to disobey. His spanking had done more than sting her bottom, it had pressed the plug deeper with each blow, making it's presence all the more poignant, and she couldn't bear the thought of him repeating it. She didn't resist then when he took her elbows and drew her to her feet. After holding her close a moment, trying to convey his reassurance, Kevin drew her with him and sat her on the sofa. The plug shifted under the pressure and she winced at the strange feel of it. "Lie back and relax," Kevin instructed, beginning to ease her down. Sulking, she let him lay her flat, lifting her legs to stretch full length. There were soft rustling noises and then Kevin raised her shoulders and slid behind her, pulling one leg around her so she was reclining between his muscular thighs. He was bare now, she felt, and definitely excited. His hardened member pressed firmly along the ridge of her spine. Damn him! she thought. How dare he! He was thoroughly enjoying himself, loving every minute of her humiliation. How dare he force something foreign up inside of her and sit back to watch her squirm. Angry, and determined not give him the pleasure, Jessica lay stiff and tense, ignoring his comforting caresses to her arms and stomach. After a while the hardness in her back softened and, absurdly, Jessica began to feel guilty. His caresses hadn't stopped, but he seemed to have lost his enthusiasm. Despite the unnatural fullness she still felt and the fact that he had caused it, she carefully rolled to her side and curled against his chest. His arms tucked around her and his hand pressed her face tenderly to his shoulder. She began to feel better. Kevin was glad when he finally regained enough control to subdue his aching member. He knew Jessica was angry over what he had forced on her and hated the way his body had betrayed him. He should have simply left her alone for a while, allowed himself time to tame his hormones, but he had needed so badly to hold her, to feel her warm and secure against his skin. Besides, at this stage in his plans, it was important that she knew he was there, loving and supporting her. Not that that was the only thing on his mind, he was forced to admit. After calling Frawling's and placing his order, a few items of which the slim "beginner's" plug was only the first, he had played in his mind the events he had so recently just enacted. He couldn't deny that the feel of her satiny insides as he spread and lubricated them drove him near to the edge of insanity. Imagining and then seeing her puckering entrance flex and yield to the plug's intrusion filled him with fanciful visions of her doing the same for him. He could almost feel the friction of her anus, her strong muscles tightening around him, drawing him in and.... And if he didn't stop now, he would be enduring another cold shower. He had already allowed himself to get carried away once today and had barely had time to throw his clothes back on and dash from one of the guest baths to receive Frawling's delivery man before the doorbell stirred his wife enough to investigate. Oh, Jess, he thought now, trying to ease the tension from her rigid body, knowing that it would be some time before she would be ready to make that move, please try to relax. If she did, he was sure she would find his efforts enjoyable. When she finally relented and snuggled against him, it was like an answer to his prayers. Holding her close, Kevin stroked her hair for while and then slowly began making lazy circles down her back and shoulders. He loved the feel of her, the sense that she was cuddling close in search of security. Beneath his fingers he felt the tease of her satin shirt and forced himself to move even slower. The sensation was traveling straight through him, all the way to his loins, and he was afraid his reaction would upset her. But upset seemed to be the furthest thing from his wife's mind. When his fingers began to still, Jessica wiggled her back against them and nipped his ear. All of his painstaking efforts at control were instantly obliterated. Kevin's member jumped to attention, defiantly demanding attention. Glancing down, he nearly groaned at the sight, but suddenly saw something that gave him pause. Jessica had raised her leg to innocently drape his knees, but in doing so had revealed something her lost curls might otherwise have hidden. Like his own triumphant manhood, the glistening nub of her clit had poked its way up though moistened lips to stare at him in expectation. Aroused by a combination of sensations, wanted or not, his precious baby was getting excited! Pretending he hadn't noticed, Kevin let his hand still completely and waited for her reaction. It came as a light trail of kisses that wet his neck and teased his ear. When it got her no where, she traced her tongue along the seashell folds, trying to coax him. With effort of will, Kevin stood his ground. Presently, Jessica grew desperate enough to rub herself enticingly against his leg. At the same time she placed her lips lightly against his ear. "Make love to me," she whispered huskily. Kevin's heart stopped. The words he had been waiting for! But with a calm that was definitely forced, he only asked, "Jess?" "Please," she begged, tracing her tongue along his lobe. "Make love to me." Again she pressed herself against his leg, rubbing slowly against his thigh, and at the moist feel of her Kevin could stand no more. Clutching her waist he rolled and lifted her on top of him. Jessica bent forward, straddling his hips, and rested her bound hands to stroke gently against his stomach. At the same time she leaned into him and ran her mouth and tongue teasingly in small circles up the center of chest, across the arc of his throat, and over the curve of his chin where they immediately seized control of his lips. Close to loosing himself in a frenzy, Kevin twined his tongue with hers and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer. "Oh, Yes!" she breathed into his mouth when she realized his excitement, filling him with the warm sweet taste of her as she swayed her hips seductively against his manhood. Sliding his hands down and over her back, Kevin grasped her buttocks, wanting her desperately. He raised her up and was just preparing to ease her onto his wanting member, when he suddenly recalled the plug. Pleased with her progress and ready to reward her, he touched the end of it lightly. "Jess, do you want me to take this out?" he whispered, barely able to keep himself in check. Her entire body went rigid and Kevin suddenly realized he had just touched on a very sensitive point. Ducking her head to his neck, Jessica didn't answer. Why? he asked silently. The answer was simple, yes or no. Or was it? Despite initial resistance, the plug had aroused her. Was she still ashamed of that? He had tried to reassure her and had thought she understood. Was her response more complicated than overcoming a few inhibitions then? The answer had to be yes, but the reason eluded him. Conscious of the fact that she had begun to tremble, Kevin decided he would have to help her, at least until he understood more about this puzzling mystery. "I'll take it out if you want me to," he offered softly. "But Daddy thinks its very sexy. Do you want me to leave it?" It was still her choice, but he had tipped the balance. Very slowly, Jessica nodded. Smiling at the small success and knowing better than to force a vocal answer, Kevin didn't give her time to reconsider. He lifted and penetrated her in one swift motion. Their love making was fantastic. Kevin gripped her narrow waist, guiding her, as Jessica rocked on her knees to meet his powerful thrusts. The perfect counter, she matched his every stroke, sharing equal passion and pleasure, taking him deeper and deeper with each panting, gasping breath, until suddenly, caught in the tide of blinding desire, she lost all reserve and took control of their movements, throwing her head back and riding him with sheer and utter abandon until.... "Sainted Mother!" Kevin's world shook and exploded, graying to blackness before bursting forth in a shower of tiny white sparks. Over him, Jessica shook with her own convulsion of delight. Body rigid, back bowed, she lifted her blind face toward the ceiling and gave one long, deep cry before suddenly collapsing forward to sprawl limply against his heaving chest. Regaining his wind, Kevin stroked his wife's dampened head where it had bent against him and lightly kissed her hair. "God, you are so beautiful," he breathed, feeling the deepest sense of contentment. Without giving it much thought he simultaneously smoothed his hand down her back and reached between her cheeks to withdrew the plug, tossing it to the floor. "Aaaaahhhhh!" Jessica's sudden cry startled him, but not so much as the force with which her trim legs gripped him as she convulsed in a second and nearly as forceful release. Overcoming shock, he quickly seized her to keep her from toppling until moments later the palsy left her and she collapsed, shaking and panting, back against him. Several silent minutes passed. "Baby?" Kevin was caught now between the urge to laugh his delight and concern over the fact that his wife hadn't moved. "Oh, God," she finally whispered, weak and shaky. "Oh, Kevin, I'm so sorry." Despite the teary note to her voice, Kevin couldn't completely suppress his joy. There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Jessica truly was as susceptible to anal eroticism as he had first suspected. The only question left was the odd puzzle of her denial. "Why, baby?" he asked, hoping to solve it. "What are you sorry for?" "I... I didn't mean to," she sniffled. "Didn't mean to what? Have two orgasms in a row?" he asked bluntly, lifting her chin with a gentle hand. "Jess, you're not doing much for my pride here." Kevin's efforts to keep a handle on his frustration were generously rewarded. A tiny smile trembled on her lips. "You don't care?" she asked in a small voice. Kevin had to scrape his chin off of his chest. What a ridiculous question! "Of course I care," he insisted. "I think it's wonderful that my baby feels so good." Jessica seemed to melt against him in a mixture of exhaustion and relief. He knew he hadn't fully grasped the meaning of her question, but at least he seemed to have given the right answer. Sooner or later, he vowed, he was going to figure all this out. But not right now. Rolling her to her side, Kevin slowly eased himself from within her. Jessica made a soft noise and sighed, increasing his satisfaction and bolstering his pride. Only when Kevin felt he was recovered enough to move again, nearly half an hour later, did he reluctantly slip out from behind his wife and stand. Stretching a moment, he bent and helped her to sit, removing both the cuffs and the discipline belt. "Where are we going?" Jessica asked when he put his arms under her and gathered her up. "To the den, precious. Daddy wants you to rest for a while." Ignoring the small frown that flitted across her lips, Kevin carried his wife to the back of the house where their private den was tucked. This room saw very few visitors and was decorated much more casually then the others, with a large comfortably worn couch, a big screen TV, and a mismatched assortment of pillows and afghans. He laid Jessica on the couch, covered her, and removed her blindfold. "I need to get a little work done, so I want you to watch TV and be a good girl," he informed her. "Work?" She blinked up at him. It was unusual, he had to admit. Kevin hated working on the weekends. Unfortunately, his distraction the day before had kept him from wrapping up a few important details. "Only a little," he explained. Then, unable to resist, "I just didn't have enough time after lunch with Marcus yesterday." Jessica flushed at the reminder and wisely kept her mouth shut. She probably feared that pursuing it would lead to more punishment. He wouldn't tell her until later then that he'd already figured that in. Determined not to let anticipation delay him any further, Kevin handed her the TV remote and retreated to his study. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ My address has been altered to combat automatic SPAMING. Hint: There is no machine called DELETE_THIS at Get it? Rufus T. Firefly ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++