a few weeks ago, i spent a weekend with a girlfriend and her husband without our kids (my husband was working a weird schedule, so he couldn't be there). on saturday morning, my gf's husband asked her to fix him some coffee while he worked on setting up some new programs on their computer. she and i went into the kitchen and started chatting and then she noticed that the dishes needed to be put away and the coffee was forgotten. about an hour later, her husband came into the bedroom (my gf and i were folding and putting away laundry) and he asked her where his coffee was. i was very much surprised to see her fall to her knees in a submissive posture and beg his forgiveness for forgetting. he told her to prepare herself for discipline. right in front of me, she stripped down to her bra and panties and then picked up a pillow from the bed and walked into the other room. her husband looked at me and suggested i should stay in the bedroom, but that if i wanted to watch, i had to keep quiet or i would get some of the same. i sat on the bed as if i were turned to stone. i could hear him speaking to her in the other room but both their voices were too quiet for me to understand what they were saying. i guess you already know that she was being spanked. i heard clearly each and every smack. and my curiosity got the best of me... not to mention something else that i wasn't expecting. so, i quietly went into the dining room and saw her bent over the back of a chair. her legs were spread slightly because her ankles were tied with ribbons to the chair legs. her panties were down around her knees and her bottom was already an incredible shade of red. her husband was giving her carefully placed swats with a hairbrush. she was counting out loud each stroke and i came out to hear her yelp stroke number six. seven, eight, nine... by this time i was fascinated by the whole thing.. it was like a dream, almost. then she got number ten and he stopped. i think this was when i realized i wasn't breathing, so i took a deep breath and her husband turned and saw me standing there. he motioned me to sit down out of her view and he then grabbed a belt-like strap and began to lay that across her bottom. the patterns were those of a pro, so i realized that he had been doing this for quite some time. her yelps got louder and she was obviously in some pain, but she never lost the count and she did not ask him to stop. after he applied ten spanks with that belt thing, he just left her there, crying, and he went back to work on the computer. i didnt' know what to do or say so i sat there, feeling scared, because a part of me was afraid that if i angered him, he would spank me as well. after about an hour, he released her from the ribbons, kissed and hugged her and asked her to fetch him some coffee. she did not try to pull her panties up from her knees, but walked with her legs slightly spread to keep them from falling down, further. the rest of the weekend was a bit of a blur, but neither of them mentioned the spanking the rest of the time i was there. and i didn't know how to bring it up. my question is simple: i have not been able to get that morning out of my head and i would like to know if anyone can suggest how i might bring it up to my husband. just writing this down is making me very excited. am i some kind of a pervert? i don't feel perverted, but i have never before felt like this. i have spent much of the last two weeks looking at spanking newsgroups and web sites and decided i needed an account to post from... so i made this one up.