Lust Weekend Janie Britton went about her household chores mindlessly. It was concerning to her that she spent a lot of her time thinking about sex. It seemed to her that it was all she thought of lately. She was married to a loving husband. She had a good life and she was well aware of it, but after she turned thirty it was almost as if something clicked in her brain. Sex, sex, and more sex rattled around in her mind. She stopped in the hall and looked in the mirror. She was still a good looking woman. It wasn't vanity, but a fact and anyone could see. Janie played tennis, she swam, she went to the gym and her 38d chest was still high and her hips were still in proportion to the rest of her body. She was short by some standards, but John, her husband, said that she was just right and that her legs went from her ass to the ground and that's all anyone could expect. Janie had wanted children, but after five years of marriage and countless attempts she had not gotten pregnant. After a while she asked her doctor to run tests and it seemed that she would never give birth. Something was wrong with her. John had been calm about it and Janie knew that he was actually relieved. They considered adoption, but it never happened for them. Janie continued to look at herself in the mirror, giving herself a crooked smile as she cupped her breasts. She jumped slightly as she did so. Her breasts had always been sensitive, but lately they had been even more sensitive. She and John enjoyed an active sex life, getting it on several times a week, but of late, masturbation had become normal for her. Several times a day, in fact. As she masturbated she fantasized about a variety of sexual scenarios. One partner, two and sometimes even more weren't unusual. Sex in private, in public, anywhere and everywhere. A few days previous John and walked into the bedroom and caught her using her big black dildo. He had laughed and joined in giving her a nice, but somewhat blah orgasm. That night as they lay in bed he casually mentioned that maybe they should consider a threesome. "Are you out of your mind?" Janie yelled at him. "What, you want another woman?" "No not really," He answered, "I've got more woman now than I can take care of. In fact that's the problem. No, I was thinking about asking another man to join us. Fuck you until your eyes cross. What do you think about that?" "I think you can just forget about it," She snapped. John had not mentioned it again, but Janie had thought about it several times. In fact that had become her favorite fantasy while she used her dildo, but it bother her that the other man in her fantasy didn't have a face. She could visualize everything about him except his face. He had a nice body and a breathtaking big cock, but no face. She went through the rest of the afternoon doing her routine things. It was nearly three o'clock when the phone rang. It was John. "Hi sweetie," He said. "I know you are going to be upset. but I have a favor to ask. Al Gordon is in town for a few days and I thought we could have him over for dinner tonight. I know it's short notice, but." "Yes it is short notice," Janie said with a sigh. It wasn't the first time John had pulled this stunt. "What time and who's Al Gordon?" "You've heard me talk about him," her husband said. "He a senior VP from corporate. He's the first black man to rise that far. Everybody says he's a rising star in the company. How about six thirty? Will that give you enough time?" "Make it seven unless you want franks and beans. I'll have to run to the store," she answered. Actually she was excited about it. Anything to break up the routine. After hanging up she flew into action. A rising star deserved the best china and candles, didn't he? By a quarter 'til seven she was dressed and ready. She had decided on a black cocktail dress with a low cut bodice and thin spaghetti straps. She wore a pair of black pumps without hose. Her tanned legs didn't require them. The meal was cooked and the wine chilled. "Bring on the big shot from corporate," she said aloud. She looked at the table and saw that it was perfect. She had set up the dining area in the sunroom and had set the tape player playing soft dinner music. CHAPTER TWO "Hi honey," she heard John's voice call. "We have arrived." She went to greet them. Her husband was standing in the hall with a large imposing black man. Al Gordon was at least six and a half feet tall and looked like the linebacker had been. His head was completely shaven. "Honey this is Al Gordon," John said. "Al this is my wife Janie." "Hi Janie," The big man said in a deep booming voice. "It certainly is a pleasure to meet you." He took her small hand in his large one. "Er.ah.Yes likewise," Janie stammered. "Please come on in. Dinner is ready, but would you like a drink first?" "A drink would be most welcome," The dark stranger said. "Whatever you have handy will be fine." "Let me do the drinks," John said laughing, "You know, fair division of labor and all." "Yeah right," Janie laughed, "I fix the meal and you show up. Does that sound fait to you Mister Gordon?" "Please call me Al," the big man said with a chuckle, "As for fair, I really don't know. As a bachelor I'm not qualified to render an opinion on such matters. I will admit that it doesn't sound all that bad for John." "You men all stick together," Janie said laughing. "So Al what brings you out here to the boondocks." Laughing Al said, "This is not the boondocks, Janie. I've been in the boondocks and I know. Actually the headquarters bunch are thinking about sending me out here in a more or less permanent position. Nothing is for sure yet," He added, glancing at John. "I'd appreciate it if you kept that under your hat for a while." "Sure, no problem," John said. Janie had found out in two minutes what he had been trying to discover all afternoon. Over dinner the three chatted and made small talk. "This is a delicious dinner, Janie," Al said. "In fact the best I've had in a long time." "You mean you don't have someone to cook for you?" Janie asked coyly. "Or do you mean she can't cook?" "Both and neither," Al Gordon said with a laugh. "I had a lady friend for a while and she couldn't cook worth a damn. She is a married white woman. Does that shock you?" It did, but Janie smiled and said, "No sir, I would consider that your business." The rest of the evening went smoothly and Al Gordon said goodnight at eleven thirty. As they got ready for bed John kidded his wife, "You sure got Al to talk, Honey. I found out more about him tonight than I have in the past year." "It takes a woman touch," She said with a smile. "I guess," John answered. "Doesn't hurt that the woman is built like a brick shithouse, either. Poor ol' Al could hardly take his eyes off your boobs. Did you notice that?" She had noticed that Al Gordon seemed to pay her chest a lot of attention. She was used to that. Her breast had developed early and she had to get accustomed to men and boys staring at her tits. Many times she had wanted to scream, "I'm up here you simple son of a bitch!" "Oh he's just a typical guy," Janie responded to her husband. "Maybe so, but he seemed to be taken with you," he chuckled, "or your tits. I guess he'd be my boss if he moves out here. Sure can't hurt to have the boss lusting after my wife." They made love and went to sleep. CHAPTER THREE Next morning John left for work and Janie lay back down on the bed. Soon her hand found her moist slit and she begun to daydream and suddenly she realized that the third member of her fantasy group had a face. It was Al Gordon. She stopped stroking her clitoris and looked up at the ceiling. The second mans skin was black and she had never noticed it before, but there was no question about it. She closed her eyes and continued to finger herself until she came. She lay there a few minutes, analyzing her fantasy and her feelings. After a while she got up and showered. She was disturbed, but couldn't exactly say why. That night she lay beside her husband they had made love and both of them were pleased with their combined efforts. "Wow you were sizzling tonight," John said. "I'd like to think it was my animal magnetism, but I doubt it. What turned you on?" "I don't know what you mean," Janie said. "Something flipped your switch," He said. "You were hotter than a firecracker. You like to have fucked me to death." "Oh you're silly," She said, turning over so he couldn't see that her face had turned red. She had been thinking about Al Gordon. "Oh while I'm thinking about it," John said turning the light off. "Al wants us to join him this weekend. He rented a cabin at the lake for a few days. Swimming, boating, drinking, and just laying around. What do you think?" "Sure," she said in a small voice, "Whatever you want to do. Who all will be there?" "I don't know," He answered. "I guess some of the guys at work. I don't know for sure. He just asked me this afternoon." The next two days drug by but Friday finally arrived. Their plan was to leave at noon on Friday and make the three hour drive so as to be settled well before dark. Al rode with Janie and John in their SUV. "So you never told me, John," Janie asked, "Who all's going to be there this weekend?" She was in the back seat while her husband and the big black man occupied the front seats. "Bill Rhodes and his girlfriend is coming up tomorrow," John answered. "At least Bill think's so. Never can tell about him thought. If he doesn't show up then it will just be us three." "We don't have enough food for a whole weekend," Janie said with a slight hesitation in her voice. The ideal of just the three of them alone all weekend was both exciting and scary. "Don't you worry," Al said. "I had the rental agent stock the cabin. There will be plenty, I'm sure. Oh I hope you remembered to bring your swim suit. There is a hot tub and the lake is supposed to be warm by now. We have the use of a power boat for the entire weekend." "Oh yeah," John said. "Wait until you see her new one." "Well the jury is still out on that," Janie said laughing, "I'm not at all sure I'm ever going to wear it in public." "You have to now, Janie," Al said twisting to look at her. "If it's that daring I have to see." "We'll see about that," Janie said, smiling at him. "There not a whole lot to see anyway." Al Gordon grinned at her wiggling his eyebrows lecherously. "I can't wait." They arrived at the cabin on time. "Wow, this is not what I expected," Janie said. The cabin was large and while rustic, it reeked of money. There was a large screened porch on three sides of the building. The place was secluded, the closest cabin was nearly a mile away. "I second that," John said looking the place over. "I guess I thought we would be roughing it to some degree." "You will find," Al said tossing baggage out of the back of the SUV, "that I do not care to rough it. I spent six years as a Marine Force Recon team member. I've had all the roughing it I want." The inside was luxurious to the point of being grandiose. Someone, presumably a designer, had furnished the large cabin like they thought a rustic cabin should look. Apparently the designer had never spent anytime in a real rustic place. Janie led them upstairs to the sleeping area. "Ha," Al said. "I made a mental bet that there would be water beds in this place. I'll bet at least one of the bedrooms has a mirror on the ceiling. Want to bet?" "Why would there be a mirror on the ceiling?" Janie asked. "That doesn't make any.oh never mind I figured it out. This is really a make-out palace isn't it?" After they got settled in to the sleeping quarters they met at the bar. "I see that the agent follow my orders to the letter," Al said. "I will now make us my specialty. Are you up for a Gordon zinger?" "I guess," John said glancing at his lovely wife, "How about you, Janie?" "I'm up for anything," Janie said. "I'm yours to command." "Both of us?" John asked, raising his eyebrows. "Better be careful with those kinds of sweeping offers, huh Al?" "I taped it and I consider it a verbal contract," Al answered laughing with them. "Actually I want both of you to relax and just enjoy the week-end. No work talk and no worries, okay? Hell I didn't even bring my cell phone and if you did, do not turn it on." "Sounds like a good plan," John agreed. "I'll pack the blamed thing away just as soon as Bill calls and let's us know when they're coming." He had no more than said it when the phone rang. John answered and spoke for a moment and disconnected. "Can't make it," he said. "That figures. Can't depend on Bill for anything." "Good," Al said. "More for us to eat and drink. Who needs them anyway. Were pretty good company are we not?" Janie and John agreed that the company was excellent and they spent the rest of the afternoon sitting on the porch drinking zingers CHAPTER FOUR The two men and the woman sat on the porch, their feet resting on the banister. "Hey look at that!" John said pointing to a power boat pulling a naked skier Even from that distance the skier was with out question a male. "Is that silly son of a bitch skiing or trolling?" John asked laughing. "He better hope he don't take a spill," Al said laughing. "That water can be mighty hard. Have you ever skied nude, Janie?" "Gosh no," Janie said, watching the skier. "That is a silly thing to do." "Sure is," Al agreed, "What's the silliest thing you have ever done?" "Come on a week-end trip with two guys," Janie said, smiling at him. "Truthfully I haven't ever done anything silly or daring. Boring, huh?" "But haven't you ever wanted to do something.I don't know, bold, daring, wild.?" Al asked letting his question trail off. "Oh sure," Janie said giggling. The Gordon Zingers were making her feel good. "Just never had the nerve or the opportunity I guess. What about you? What silly things have you done?" "Oh Lord," Al said laughing, "I've done so many wild, or maybe dumb things I wouldn't know where to start, but let's concentrate on you. Let's do something wild and daring." "And just what do you propose?" Janie asked. "Let's get in the hot tub. I turned it on awhile ago so it should be ready," John said. "Good idea," Al said. "First rate." "That doesn't sound too daring or wild," Janie said. "Buck naked," John said. "Too right," Al said grinning at Janie, "That wild enough for you, or are you chicken?" "I'm not a chicken," Janie said, realizing that her tongue was slightly thick. "I'll see you boys in the tub," she said getting to her feet. "What's more important," Al said, "is that we'll see you in the tub." The three left a trail of clothing from the rocking chairs to the other end of the porch where the hot tub was. Janie led the pack and she was nude before the two men were. They stopped and watched her naked butt swinging as she approached the tub. "Nice ass, huh?" John said watching his wife sway. "Oh hell yes," Al said softly. "Ah, all right with this?" "Let the good times roll," John said. "Janie can do whatever she wants to. This is her week-end." The two men hurriedly cast off the rest of their clothing and joined Janie when was easing herself down into the steaming water. "Ohh it hot," she said, giving the two guys a peek of her ample breasts. "Maybe they should call it a hot tub," John said. "Smart ass," Janie said sticking her tongue out at him. He leaned down and gave her a lingering kiss on her lips. Janie kissed him back reaching up to put her arms around him. "Hmm, that was nice," John said, "but don't you think Al deserves a kiss, too. After all, he's the one we can thank for the week-end." "Oh you think that would be.sure, I should do that, shouldn't I?" She leaned over to give Al a quick kiss on the cheek, but he steered her face so that they were lip to lip. He kissed her long and deep and while she was giving in to the kiss she felt his large hand cup her breast and his tongue in her mouth. Janie felt an orgasm hit her and as they kissed another fast orgasm hit her. Not big ones, but nice. Al Gordon pulled her closer to him while he continued to kiss her and massage her breast. With his free hand he took her hand and put it on his cock. Janie jerked her hand away but he put it back on his cock. "Hold it, Janie," Al whispered into her mouth. "Get to know him well." "Ohhh it's hard isn't it?" She whispered back into his mouth and started kissing him again while stroking the massive cock. It was bigger than John's cock, but not all that much. Maybe an inch or so longer, she thought, but bigger around by far. "Hey, you two," John called, "Don't forget about me. I need some head over here." He had gotten out of the tub and sat on the edge and was slowly stroking his hard cock. With a guilty start Janie pulled away from Al and tuned to her hubby, leaning over to take his cock. "Right away master," She said pulling him into her mouth. She was aware that Al Gordon had moved to a position behind her. Was it going to happen? Yes, she knew it was. "Al's right behind you, Janie," John said. "Do you want him to fuck you?" She raised her eyes to his and without taking his dick out of her mouth, she nodded her head. "She says go for it, Al," John said. "Fuck her." CHAPTER FIVE Janie quivered as if she were cold as she felt Al's big hand on her hips. He slowly moved his hands around and down over her butt. She felt him separate her cheeks and she raised her hips as high as she could. "Are you ready for this?" Al asked her. She took her mouth off of John's cock long enough to say, "Yes.Yes please. Do it." "Tell me what you want, Janie," He said. Janie could feel the heat of his manhood probing her. "Stick it in," Janie gasped. "Fuck me, dammit." She grunted in surprise as he stuck his large cock into her wet cunt. No gentleness no finesse, he just rammed it home in one swift motion. "Oh my God!" she screamed. She was holding on tightly to her husband's dick. "Easy baby," John said. "That's some grip you got there. How does it feel to have one in your pussy and one in your hand and mouth?" "It feels great," Janie said in a halting tone of voice. "I feel so full.I.think." her voice trailed off as Al picked up the tempo of his strokes. She felt it coming and she welcomed it. The first of the grand orgasms. One right after another rocked her body. The trio moved from the hot tub to the living room and later to the bedroom. At some point the sun sat and darkness fell, but neither of the three were aware of it. The center of their universe was in their cocks and pussy. "Damn man," Al said looking around. He was between Janie's legs short stroking her as she purred. "Where the hell are you?" "I'm over here," John said laughing, "I'm fucked out for now. You two keep on keeping on. I'm resting." "Janie," Al said, "I'm about to come and then I have to stop for a while. You've nearly fucked me to death." "No, no, no don't stop," Janie cried, "Just a little while longer. I'm about there again." Al grunted and shot his sperm into the woman. "Sorry honey, I'm done for a while." "John get over here and finish me, please," she pleaded. "Sorry babe," her husband said. "I'm down for the count. Best I can do is pour a bucket of cold water on you." Later, after they had showered, they gathered around the table in the kitchen. Al was making scrambled eggs. None of the three had bothered to put on clothing. Al wore only an apron. He had explained that splattered grease hurt. "Well," Janie said with a laugh. "There's one fantasy down." John looked over at his sexy wife, "So Sugar was the reality as good as the fantasy?" I'm resting." "Janie," Al said, "I'm about to come and then I have to stop for a while. You've nearly fucked me to death." "No, no, no don't stop," Janie cried, "Just a little while longer. I'm about there again." Al grunted and shot his sperm into the woman. "Sorry honey, I'm done for a while." "John get over here and finish me, please," she pleaded. "Sorry babe," her husband said. "I'm down for the count. Best I can do is pour a bucket of cold water on you." Later, after they had showered, they gathered around the table in the kitchen. Al was making scrambled eggs. None of the three had bothered to put on clothing. Al wore only an apron. He had explained that splattered grease hurt. "Well," Janie said with a laugh. "There's one fantasy down." John looked over at his sexy wife, "So Sugar was the reality as good as the fantasy?" "Oh yes," Janie answered, "Better, much better. You boys done good." "Ha, I should think so," John said, "Better than good I should think. What do you think, Al?" "I think that your wife is, without a doubt, the hottest woman I have ever encountered in my life. Insatiable I think is the word I'm looking for. Janie needs a Gordon gangbang for sure." Al said waving a spatula. "I though I just had one," Janie said laughing. "That was a mini-bang," Al said with a short laugh. "No I was thinking of a real Gordon gangbang. I have some friends back home and we specialize in giving special women a real bang. Four or five brothers at a time." "Bring them on," John said laughing, "We could use them right now." "They're still back in the big city," Al said. "Hey if you want I'll take Janie back with me when I go next week." "Wait just a minute," Janie said. "Don't I have a say in this?" "Of course you do," John said. "What do you say?" "I don't know," she answered. "I'll have to give that a lot of thought. Will you be there John?" He shook his head, "Not next week," he said, "I have a ton of work to do. I have this mean-ass boss that keeps my nose to the grindstone." "I don't know," Janie said slowly. "I mean a bunch of strangers and all." "Won't be strangers long," Al said, "they'll get to know you pretty quick and vice versa. You might just fall in love with Buddy. He's the biggest stud of the bunch. Ten inches long and five inches around. Then there's Little Jack. He likes to butt fuck the women. Calls his dick the "rectum wrecker." "I've never had anal sex," Janie said. That wasn't the truth. She had engaged in anal sex one time when she was in college, but John didn't know about that. She often recalled the incident fondly "John , my man," Al said, "You have fallen down in your husbandly duties. I'll guarantee you one thing, Janie," he said fixing her with a look. "Before this weekend is over with you won't be able to make that claim. Your ass is mine, young lady." After dinner the three went into the family area and Al put some music on. John and Al took turns dancing nude with Janie. It was during one song that John whispered to her. "Are you having a good time, Janie?" "You bet I am," she said. "I hope Bill and what's her name don't change their mind and show up. I like having two men for myself." "I'm glad you do," John said, stroking her breast. His cock was on the rise. "Oh, oh I think someone's trying to cut in on me." "Not so," Al said from right behind Janie. "I'm just trying to join you two." Janie could feel him snuggle up to her behind. She could feel his hard manhood on her butt. "Oh boy," she said, "there is still life in you guys after all." "Oh yes there is," Al said, his breath warm on her neck. "I want a piece of that ass. I must have it." "Then you shall," Janie said with a shaky laugh. "Far be it from me to deprive you. You will be careful won't you?" "Oh sure," Al said. "I have some anal know, lube. That should make it better for you. We'll fuck that wonderful cunt first and then I'll stick my cock in your ass. What do you think?" "I think we need to stop talking about it and do it," Janie said, her voice husky with rising passion. "Come on you guys." She led them toward the bedroom by their cocks. CHAPTER SIX Sunlight streamed through the window as Janie woke up. She lay between two men, both snoring softly. She carefully eased up and went to the bathroom. She winced a bit as she walked. Her rectum was tender. Al had not been kidding when he said he wanted to fuck her ass. He did it several times and John did also. After using the toilet she ran the shower. She was sticky from sweat and come from the two men. "What a night," she thought, letting the warm water cascade over her. She had never had so much sex in her life. "I must have had a thousand orgasms," she mused. "I had cock in me for hours. One or the other.or both," she giggled. "I think I like double penetration a lot." It had taken some time and a lot of effort at first, but finally they managed to get both cocks in her at once. One in her ass and one in her pussy. She had screamed long and loudly as she came. It was a good thing there was no close neighbors. During the night they had tried every possible position that two or three people can get into. Janie had liked them all. As she soaped her body she thought about what Al Gordon had said about an all black gangbang. She was tempted, but the idea of going off somewhere and letting a bunch of strangers have sex with her was troubling. She had no regrets about last night. None, but her husband was there and he participated. He had even held her legs open for Al's big cock to enter her. She cut the shower off and with a laugh, she said aloud, "Oh well, I'll worry about that later. Right now I'm going to make a great breakfast for my studs." Janie looked at the sleeping men as she went through the bedroom. Al's ebony cock was half hard and lay across his upper thigh. "Get your rest, my black beauty," she whispered, "I'll get to you later." After breakfast the three went for a boat ride. They were far out on the lake when John said to Janie, "Put out or get out, bitch." Laughing Janie said, "It certainly too far to swim back. I guess I'll have to put out. Who's first?" "Suck my cock, whore," John said. She raised her eyebrows at his choice of words. He never had called her names before. " "Yeah, make the cock-sucking cunt suck you off," Al said. "She can do that while the slut sits on my cock." "Well, Janie said dropping the bottoms to her swim suit, "if I'm your whore, what are you going to pay me?" "You can have all the cock you want," John said. "Sluts don't get money. They just get cock." "All I want, huh?" Janie said, wiggling around on Al's massive cock. "I doubt that. Who went to sleep last night while I was still ready, willing and able?" A boat with a bunch of kids went by while Janie was sandwiched by the two men. The kids whooped and hollered and the three waved back at them. The violent rocking of the boat caused Al's cock to go even deepen in Janie. "Oh God, that feels so good," Janie yelled. "Keep fucking me Al." "Shut up cunt, and keep sucking me," John said. "I'm about to cum and you had better swallow every bit of it." Just as John shot off in her mouth, Al came in her pussy causing her to start a series of orgasms. Later they found a sheltered cove that was in the shade and the two men fucked her again. They were nearly back to their dock when Al said, "Do you know who's car that is?" John looked and saw that a strange car was parked behind his. "Beats me," John said. "Maybe it's Bill's car. I don't know what he's driving these days." Janie felt a stab of disappointment. She was really enjoying being alone with John and Al. She feared that more people living in the cabin would mess up her playhouse. As they pulled into the dock they saw that there were two people on the dock waving at them. It was Bill Rhodes and a female. "Hi gang," Bill called, "We've been waiting here for over an hour. Where the hell you all been?" "You said you weren't coming," John snapped. "What the hell were we supposed to do, sit around and wait?" "We had a change of plans," Bill said, catching the rope Al threw to him. "We were able to get away after all. We're hungry as hell. Anything to eat around here?" "Hi I'm Patty." The young woman said. Patty was a cute little redhead. Janie placed her age at late teens or early twenties. Tight bodied with small boobs and a big smile. Bill Rhodes apparently liked them young and tiny. Bill helped Janie out of the boat giving her a careful going over. Janie was wearing a very tiny bikini that just barley covered her. As his eyes lingered over her lush curves, she smiled. Apparently I'm wrong. He likes women of all ages and sizes, she thought. "Hi Patty," she said to the younger woman, "I'm Janie. That guy there is John, my husband and the other fool is Al Gordon. Come on I'll show you the cabin. You guys can fix lunch." Janie led the other woman up the path to the cabin. "Come on in and I'll show you the bedrooms." We are in there and Al's over there. You guys can have any of the others you want." She blushed when Patty looked in Al's room and saw that the bed was made up. The bed in her room looked like a war had been fought on it. She saw the other woman's eyebrows go up. "I guess we'll take this one," Patty said, indicating the room at the end of the hall. "Wow that nigger is a good looking bastard ain't he?" Janie felt like she had been hit between the shoulder blades. She jerked upright. "In the first place," she said to the young woman, "That is an unacceptable word. Unless you want me to slap your pretty face, you won't use it again. You understand me?" "Yeah, whatever," the young woman said, "But he is a hunk ain't he. Has he got a big dick?" "God, how you talk," Janie said. "Do you ever think before you speak?" "Not much," Patty said. "I'll bet that coon has a dick like a donkey." The next thing the young girl knew she was laying on the bedroom floor, her face stinging and Janie sitting astride of her. "African American or black," Janie said taking a handful of the woman's red hair and shaking it. "If you open your mouth to refer to his race, those are the words you will use. If you use any other word I will kick the shit out of you right there, that time and every time." To make sure the girl understood her words she smacked the girls face twice. "Hey dammit, chill out!" the girl said. "I got'ch. Let me the fuck up." Janie got off of the girl and stood watching Patty, carefully, as she struggled to her feet. "I still bet he got a big dick," Patty muttered. The two women went downstairs to the dinning room. John was laying out some sandwich stuff. "Hey Babe," Bill said. "Why's your face so red?" "This bitch smacked me." Patty said pointing toward Janie. "For Pete's sakes, why?" Bill demanded. "I called the big dude a nigger," Patty said. "She didn't like it, I guess." Al let out a whoop from the kitchen and John grinned while Bill turned red. "No I don't suppose she did," Bill said. "Hey Al, I'm sorry about this. Patty is sort of a free spirit, I guess." "No problem, Bill," Al said coming into the room. "You didn't call me names.she did. Thanks Janie." He added winking at Janie. He turned to look at patty. "So did you learn anything, Patty?" "I learned that she don't like you bein' called a nig.ah, anything but black or Africa something or other. Bill I don't want to stay here any longer. I don't like these people." "Tough shit, Babe," Bill said. "This man is my boss and John is a co-worker. Learn to behave or keep your mouth shut. I didn't drive all the way up here just to turn around and leave. If you want to leave take a hike. Walking ain't crowded." After Patty had stomped out of the cabin Al turned to Bill, "I have to ask.what on earth are you doing with that kid?" "Oh she's legal," Bill said grinning, "To tell the truth she's a last minute replacement." "Well I sure hope she's a good fuck," Al said. "Because she sure doesn't have much else going for her." "I was hoping to find out this weekend," Bill said and flushed red when he realized that Janie was still in the room. "Oh shit, sorry about that Janie. I forgot you were still here." "I'm a big girl," Janie said. "Fact of the matter I was wondering the same thing as Al. What were you thinking?" "You guys want me to take her out of here?" Bill asked. "You do what you want," Janie said. "At least as far as I'm concerned. If she doesn't behave herself, I'll kick the crap out of her." She said the last part loud enough so that Patty could hear her from the porch. "Let's eat. I'm starved." "Patty get your ass in here and eat," Bill called. The young woman came in and dove into the meal as if nothing had transpired. "Is that your boat, John?" Patty asked, her mouth full of food. "No, it came with the cabin that Al rented," John answered. "Wow, are you rich, Al?" she asked. "As a matter of fact I am," Al said grinning. "At least by some standards. Where do you come from Patty?" "All over," she said. "My daddy was a service man." "Oh what branch?" John asked. "Oh he worked on everything. Washers, dryers, anything. Didn't make him no difference. My momma took off a couple years ago. Me and daddy was on our own for a while. He died a couple months ago. Can we go boat ridin' after while?" "Sure why not," Al said. "How old are you Patty?" "I'm eighteen," she said. "Don't worry, I'm of age." "I wasn't worried," Al said smiling at her, "Bill should have been, but I wasn't." "So where do you live?" John asked. "Here and there," she answered with a casual shrug, "I was hopin'" Bill was going to put me up for a few days." Bill Rhodes was busy eating and didn't look up. "So you traveled at lot," John asked. "Bet you have some stories to tell, huh?" "No not really," Patty answered. "Daddy didn't let me do much. He kept me pretty close. Shit I'd still be cherry if it wasn't for him." Bill got choked and Janie covered her mouth in shock. Patty looked around at them, "when we goin' out in that boat?" "Right after we eat," Al assured her. "We're just trying to get to know you. So you haven't had a lot of sexual experience?" "Some," Patty said. "Not a whole lot I guess. Just daddy and he couldn't get it up much. He drank a lot. I stayed in a shelter 'til the other day. Got tired of that shit. Then I ran into Bill and here I am." "Do you like sex?" Al asked her. He glanced over at Janie to see how she was taking his questions. Janie winked at him. She knew exactly where this was going. Little Miss patty was going to get fucked and soon. "Yeah I sure do," Patty said laughing. Bill was looking at each of them in turn. He didn't have a clue where it was going, but he wasn't sure he liked it. "Maybe I'd better take her out of here," Bill said. "Nonsense," Al barked, "Patty and I are going for a boat ride aren't we, Patty?" He stared hard at Bill, "just the two of us." "Oh boy," Patty said. "I don't have a real bathing suit, just a tank top and shorts. Is that okay?" "Yes, that's fine," Al said, "You don't really need anything." Bill Rhodes watched them going down to the boat. He now had a pretty good idea what was going on. His boss had just took his date away from him. "Well I'll be fucked," he said aloud. "One thing's for sure," John said coming out on the porch behind him. "She's going to get fucked. I sure would like to see it." "Damn," Bill said slowing shaking his head. "I didn't even get in her pants yet." "I'm going to get in the hot tub," Janie said. "You boys going to join me?" CHAPTER SEVEN John watched his wife's swaying ass as she went to the hot tub at end of the porch. He was surprised when she cast her bathing suit top onto a chair. He grinned thinking that ol' Bill was going to get an eye full. Bill was still watching the point of land around which the boat with Al and Patty had disappeared. He glanced around and saw Janie throw her top onto the chair. He quickly decided to get into the hot tub. He had admired Janie's cover breasts for several years and he had no intentions of not getting a closer look. "Strip boys," Janie said throwing her wet bottoms at John with a merry laugh. "Don't need no clothing in here." John stripped off his trunks and climbed into the tub of steaming water. He laughed as they watched Bill try to run and take off his shorts and shirt at the same time. When the three had settled into the hot water Janie said, "Wonder what Al and Patty are up to now?" "Ha," John said, "It don't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I'd say that just about now that little girl has a large chunk of black meat somewhere in her body." "Hell you guys sure know how to rub salt into the wounds," Bill said looking miserable. "Shit, I found her so by rights I should have gotten her first. Dammit, I would have shared." "Poor baby," Janie said leaning over and kissing him. Her tits pressed against him. Still kissing her Bill gave John a questioning look and was relived, but confused by the smiling wink John gave him. "What the fuck is going on here?" Bill demanded when Janie released him. "Where are John and Janie? What have you guys done with them?" Laughing Janie leaned over again and kissed his cheek. "This is my weekend," she said. "I plan on doing things I have never done before and may never do again." "Hell's bells," Bill said with a huge grin. "You are shitting me, right? You're not shitting me. Wow I guess this is my lucky weekend after all. Are you okay with this, buddy?" he asked a still smiling John. "Sure," John said. "Like she said, this is her weekend. Whatever and whoever she wants to do is fine with me." Bill was aware that Janie's hand was moving up his thigh. He moved a little closer so that she could reach him better. "Oh my," Janie said, "Can't be a roll of quarters so I guess you are glad to see me." She had a firm grasp on his cock. "Oh honey," Bill said with a gasp, "You'll never know how glad I am to see you." "I'm not going to dive for it," Janie said with a laugh, "so if you want you dick sucked, you need to get it out of the water for me." Bill caused a small tidal wave getting up onto the edge of the tub. Smiling, her heart racing with excitement and anticipation, Janie got up and bent over and took his hard cock in her mouth. "Oh God," Bill said softly, "I know I must be dreaming, but please don't let me wake up now.not now!" John moved over to sit on the tub edge beside Bill. He wanted to watch his hot little wife suck his friend and he wanted some of the hot action, too. Without taking her mouth off of Bill's cock she took her husband's cock him her hand and stroked him. After a few minutes of this, she lifted her head and said, "I have three places that you boys might find interesting so why are two of them empty?" "I can fix part of the problem," Bill said quickly moving to a position behind her. "I still can't believe this is actually happening." He knelt down and spread her butt cheeks. "I have to taste this pussy before I fuck it," he said. Janie felt his tongue probing her pussy lips. "Wait a second," she said. "Let me sit down on the edge of the tub. John, stand up on the edge. I'll suck you while Bill eats me." The three hurried into position and Bill's tongue had no more than touched her clit and she began to come. After a few minutes of eating Janie's delightful cunt, Bill stood up and pushed her legs further apart. "I got to have some of this pussy." He eased his cock into the woman's sloppy cunt and then shoved all of it into her, causing her to squeal in pure lust and delight. Bill and John swapped places a couple of times before Bill declared, "I want to come in you, Janie. Is it all right?" "You mean that black son of a bitch beat me to her too?" he mumbled to John as she went in the door. "Afraid so, chum," John said with a laugh. "There's a hose. Let's drain this tub and refill it." After Janie had returned and the hot tub refilled, the three sat in the rocking chairs and watched the lake. It wasn't very long before they saw the speed boat returning. While Al tied the boat Patty came up the path. "Appears she is walking funny, don't it?" John observed. "Certainly does," Janie said with a grin. "One would think that she's been doing something naughty." "I was right," Patty announced when she had gotten close enough. "He is hung like a donkey." "Are you taking any kind of birth control?" Janie asked with a sudden burst of maternal concern. "No," patty said with a laugh, "I just finished my period. I'm safe for a few days. You can't believe what that.that.Al, did to me." She had come up on the porch and breathlessly flopped down on a chair. "I can so imagine," Janie said with a laugh. "He fucked the shit out of me," Patty said smugly. "Not just once but twice. He's the only man I ever had, 'cept daddy, but he's really big." She was pointing down the path at the approaching Al. "I didn't think I could take it all, but I did." "Good for you," Bill snapped with more than a trace of bitterness. "Oh Bill," Patty said reaching over to put her hand on his arm, "I'm going to let you have some, too. Al said you can't wear it out. He said that we were going to do a lot of fucking this weekend." She giggled, "He couldn't get it in my bottom though. He tried, but it hurt too much. He said one of you shorthorns would have to open it up for him." "So there is a hole that I might get in before him," Bill said with a short laugh. "Come on in the cabin, Patty," Janie said. "You could use a shower, I'm sure." "Shorthorn?" John said as they went in. "I think I resent that." "Yeah, but do you deny it?" Al asked as he came up onto the porch "No, but I sure as hell resent it," John said laughing. "Al, don't you have no shame? "No, not much," Al said with a grin. "I wanted to see if we had a player without taking all weekend to do it. And gentlemen e do have a player." "So how was she?" Bill said with a trace of an edge to his voice. "Not bad," Al said with a laugh. "Not bad at all. You know the old saying.the worst I ever had was wonderful." He looked directly at Bill, "Am I going to have trouble from you?" Bill Rhodes thought for a moment, and then shook his head, "No, I guess not. Hell, I didn't even know she existed until two days ago." "Good man," Al said slapping Bill's shoulder. "I would like to be the one that fucks her ass," Bill said glancing at John. "I'd like to get in some hole that Al's black dick hasn't been first." John laughed, "be my guest," he said. "I prefer a more mature butt hole anyway." "I agree," Al said. "let's have a drink or three." Leading the way to the bar. "You know John, that Patty is a fair fuck, but she can't hold a candle to your wife. I swear that Janie is the best I ever had. I mean that." "Well thank you Al," John said feeling a bit foolish that he took such pride in another man complimenting him on how good his wife fucked. "I'll second that," Bill said. "Fine grade-a pussy. Best I ever had, for sure." "Who's got grade-a pussy?" Janie said coming up behind the men. Patty followed Janie. "You, my dear," Al said handing the women a drink. "We have agreed that you have the best pussy in the world." "Hey, how about me?" Patty said. "Oh sugar," Al said, "You have grade-a pussy in training." "Oh, that's better," Patty said. She was wearing a long flowing robe that John recognized as Janie's. With the light behind Patty he could see that she had nothing on under the robe. Janie also had a robe on. John couldn't see through it but he made a mental bet that she also was nude under the robe. While the group chatted and drank Al left for a few minutes and when he returned he handed Bill at tube of lubricate. He grinned and said, "If I were you, Bill, I wouldn't wait too long to tap that ass. I am not a patient man." "Patty get your ass over here," Bill called. He was sitting on a couch in the conversation area of the den. Patty put her drink down and came over to where Bill sat. "Pull that robe off," Bill said. "I'm going to eat your pussy and fuck your ass." "Damn, Bill," Janie said laughing, "You are one smooth talking fellow." "Man has a silver tongue for sure," John added. "I've never had much luck with that particular line, but.son of a gun, would you look at that?" Patty had pulled the robe over her head and sat back on the coffee table. Her legs were spread. "I ain't never had anybody to eat me," She said. "Daddy wouldn't do that. He said it was nasty. I heard about it though." The other three watched in silent disbelief as Bill dove between the girl's open thighs. After a while John, shaking his head, said, "Maybe I need to rethink the line." "Well I can certify that Bill is good at it," Janie said. "The man is a maestro of the cunnilingustic art." "Huh" John said. "The what art?" "Eating pussy, John," Al said. "It's good to know Bill has a special talent." "What about me?" John said. "You always said I was great at it." "I always thought you were," Janie said. She saw the expression on his face. "Oh get over it john. I'm kidding you." "I have an idea," Al said. "Let's have a contest. We'll take turns eating the girls and they can decide who is the best cunt lapper of the bunch." "I'm game," Bill lifted his face out of Patty's crouch, "but nobody fucks Patty's ass but me." "He's called shotgun," John said laughing. "Come on over here, Janie and let the games begin." Both women were ate by all three men. Patty and Janie enjoyed many orgasms and when the contest was over the two women went over to a corner to confer. They came back to the center of the room and Janie said, "May I have your attention please." That was met with laughter as all three men were sporting hard cocks. "Any more attention and the damned thing will shatter," John said. "You got that right," Bill said. "My cock is so hard a cat couldn't scratch it. Who won?" "It is the unanimous decision of the judges that it is a three way tie," Janie said. "Ah bullshit!" Bill said. "This contest was rigged!" "Had to be," Al said. "I should have won. What do you think John?" "I think they're right," John said grinning at his lovely and quite naked wife. "We got to eat the pussy of two lovely ladies. I'd say that makes us winners. Now If you whiners don't mind, I'd like to fuck one of them." "Hey don't forget Patty's ass is mine," Bill said quickly. "Bill, I wish you get her ass fucked and shut up about it," Al said. "Patty come over here and let me take up where I left off," Bill said. "Bill, you be careful," Janie said. "That can hurt like hell the first time and I should know." "Janie," John said. "Let's go over there where they are. You can supervise while I take care of a little business." Bill had laid Patty down on the low coffee table and was slowly rubbing his hard cock up and down her moist slit. Patty was trembling with fear and anticipation. Bill, aware that the others were watching his action, was careful to get a lot of lube on her puckered anus and on his cock. While Bill prepared Patty, Al got down on his knees and kissed the young woman. He rolled and pinched her nipples until they were as hard as little pebbles. "Relax as much as you can," Al said to Patty. "When he starts to put it in, don't fight it." "Use your finger," Janie said to Bill. She was finding it hard to concentrate as her husband had bent her over and was pounding her from behind. Bill placed the head of his cock to Patty's asshole and pushed . "Oh shit that hurts!" Patty said loudly, " Why don't you just fuck my pussy. aaaargh , shit, shit, shit. Take it out!" Bill's cock had slipped past the sphincter muscle and was in her hot canal. Al was bust holding the thrashing girl and whispering encouragement to her. "Easy, baby," Al said. "Relax and go with the flow. Don't fight it." Bill had stopped all movement to give the girl a chance to adjust to his invading cock. Al reached one hand down and rubbed her clitoris. "How does that feel now, Patty?" Janie asked. "Like some bastard shoved a log up my ass," Patty said. She was half crying and half laughing. "How much do you have in her?" Al asked Bill. "'Bout half," Bill said in a strained voice. "So you got two inches in her," Al said laughing. Then to Patty, "You are doing great, patty. You have to get used to it. I'm taking you with me next week and all my friends like a little booty action now and then." "Hey I though you were taking me with you," Janie said. "Got plenty of cock for both of you," Al said laughing. "I thought you didn't want to go off and leave John." "I do," Janie said her words coming in gasps. She was nearing another orgasm. "I don't.I don't know what.ooooh God, John I'm coming!" CHAPTER EIGHT John Britton woke up suddenly. For a few moments he didn't know where he was. Then he remembered and looked down to see that he was laying naked on one of the sofas in the great room of the cabin. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was nearly three o'clock in the morning. The room was light and when he rolled his head over he saw his wife and his two friends on the floor. Someone had taken the seat cushions off of a lounge and that's what they were laying on. To be exact Al was lying on the cushions, and Janie was laying on Al trying to suck some life into Bill's withered cock. John grinned. He could see that it was a hopeless task. From his position he could see that Al had his black cock planted in Janie's pussy, but there was not much action. He smiled remembering how the five of them had engaged in almost every sex act imaginable. At one point Janie had Bill in her ass, Al in her pussy and John in her mouth while Patty sucked on her tits. "Have you people been at it all night?" John asked. "Damned near it," Bill answered in a strained voice. "Your fucking wife has nearly ruined me. Don't she ever get enough?" "Apparently not," John answered as he got to his feet. "John," Janie called. "Get over here. These two have nearly quit on me." "Tough shit, Babe," Her husband answered. "I just got up to go to bed. Anybody know what happened to Patty?" "She over there in that chair," Bill answered. "I'm sorry Janie. I've got to quit. I got nothing left." John looked over and saw the young woman lying in a large overstuffed chair. Her legs were spread apart as she slept. John smiled. She had her legs spread most of the night, so it was right that she had them spread now. As he got closer he could see cum leaking out of her pussy. Patty had been a pretty good fuck, he thought. What she lacked in experience, she made up in enthusiasm. "Come on Patty," he said shaking her arm. "Let's get you cleaned up and into bed." Her eyes opened and she had a startled look. John helped her to her feet and steered her toward the stairs. He looked back at the struggling trio on the floor. "Hey, you guys let my wife rest some. You're going to wear her out." "Mind your own business," Janie called back. "There is still some life in Al and I'm betting I can get Bill up one more time." Laughing, John pushed Patty on up the stairs. He had intended on taking her to the shower, but decided it was too much trouble. Half asleep he took her to the nearest bed, which happed to be his own. Patty fell on the bed in a heap and John followed her. Both were instantly asleep, but just as he dozed off he heard, or thought he heard, his wife yelling, "I knew I could get it up again." CHAPTER NINE John woke up again to bright sunlight coming in the windows. Patty had one leg thrown over his legs and Janie was snuggled up to his back. Both were covered with dry come and sweat. "You pigs get out of my bed," John roared, pushing and shoving the two women. "Get your nasty asses out and take a bath." It took him a while but he managed to get them up and into the shower. They cursed and fought him but he accomplished the task. "Wash each other," he ordered. "Make sure you get the come out of your hair." While they washed, he stumbled down to the kitchen and put the coffee on. By that time he was awake enough to realize he was missing a good opportunity to shower with two women, so he hurried back to the bathroom. "Boy," Patty said when he had joined them in the shower. "Do you all do this all the time?" "What? Shower?" John said, soaping her small tits. "Try to do it every day or two." "No, silly," Patty giggled. "I mean what we did last night. You know, all that fucking and sucking and all. I never ever even heard of such." "I guess you would call it an orgy," Janie said. She was soaping John's hard cock. "To be honest that was a first for me. Up until Friday I have been true blue to my sweetheart here. I don't have any clue where this weekend came from." "I guess that was my first orgy," John confessed. "So, Patty, how did you like being fucked in the ass?" She didn't answer for a few minutes. Then she said, "I'll tell you the truth." She paused and then continued, "I didn't care much for it. I rather have it in my pussy. Janie, do you like it in your butt?" "Yes I do," Janie answered promptly. "It took me a while to get used to it but, yes I do like it. I think I like it in my butt and puss at the same time best of all. That's a real trip." "So you all are married," Patty said. She had turned and was washing the soap off of Janie. "How does that work? I mean don't you get mad seeing somebody else fucking your woman or your man?" "No not at all," John answered, "It a real turn on for me to see my wife enjoying herself. Seeing a big cock sliding in and out of her blows my mind. I love it." "I wish I could say the same thing," Janie said. "To be honest when I saw John and you, I was a bit jealous for a while." "Ohhh," Patty said. "I'm sorry." "No it's okay," Janie said laughing and hugging the girl. "It's fine now. It was just that first time I saw him fuck another woman." She turned to look up at her husband. "Talk about a nasty double standard, huh?" She laughed, "There I was with Al's cock in me and I'm getting in a huff about my poor dear husband screwing some girl." "Not sure what to say here," John said. "I guess I didn't think about it." "Of course you didn't," Janie said hugging him. "I got over it pretty quick. Shoot, Patty is such a cute little thing. I wish I could fuck her. I sure don't blame you for wanting too." She laughed and hugged each of them again. "Come on. I'm starving. I think we missed dinner last night." As John, Janie and Patty finished up their breakfast Al came stumbling into the room. He kissed Janie and Patty and raised an eyebrow at John who held up his hand. "I'll pass, but thank you for asking." John said with a grin. "What's up for today?" "Water skiing," patty said. "I've never done that before. You told me yesterday we could, Al." "And so we shall, little one," Al said. "Water skiing it is. Who's up for it?" An hour later Al, John, patty and Janie were in the boat headed out. Bill watched from the front porch of the cabin. "Can't swim," Bill had told them. "Boats make me nervous and I'm still hung over and worn out from last night. You go and enjoy. I'll sweat the booze out in the hot tub." They found a nice spot and with Janie's help Patty got up and skied on the first attempt. It wasn't very long before she was good enough to ski in tandem with Janie. "They look good back there, don't they?" John observed, watching them as Al drove the boat. Janie was older and more shapely, but the little redhead had youth on her side. "Yes they sure do," Al agreed. "Damned good looking women. Janie especially. You are a lucky man John." "Yes I am," John agreed. "You really going to take Patty back with you when you go?" "Thinking about it," Al said. "The gang will get a kick out of her. I think she'll like it too. She just might find a home there." "What do you mean, find a home?" John said. "I was thinking that if she liked the black experience, she might make a career of it. She could make some serious money." "You mean to make a whore out of her, is that it?" John said. He was somewhat surprised that the notion shocked him. "Yes," Al said. "Patty is a natural. Hey don't look at me that way," Al said. "What is the child going to do anyway? Fool around and get knocked up? Catch some disease? Get a job at the drive-in? Maybe you think that she'll find her prince charming and get married." Al stared hard at John. "Get real, John. She hasn't got a chance in the world of making anything out of her life. She has no education, no skill other then a natural ability to fuck. Odds are she'll end up in some gang and she'll be old and worn out before she's thirty." "So taking her to the city and making a whore out of her is your ideal of the good life," John said. He was shaking his head. "I'm not talking about a street whore," Al said. "I have a friend who runs a high class operation. Albert will take her in and teach her some smarts. Hells fire, Patty could be a millionaire by the time she's thirty and she'll still be looking good." "I don't know," John said. "I'm not sure about it. Does she know that's what you have in mind for her?" "No, but we'll talk about it. She'll know before we go. Hey, lighten up John. I'm not a white slaver. If she doesn't want it, then fine she doesn't have to go. Are you and Janie going to adopt her? Going to send her to school? Damn it, if you can come up with something better, do it." Nothing else was said about that morning. John gave it a lot of thought and finally had to admit that he didn't know what to do for Patty. He was thinking that maybe Al was right. Maybe that was best for her. When they got back to their cabin, Patty and Janie put on a show. They took their tops off and skied into the cove topless. They could hear Bill yelling his appreciation as they docked. Al and Patty started up the path toward the cabin while John and Janie tied up and cleaned out the boat. "You know what Al has planned for Patty?" John asked Janie. "I have a good idea," Janie said with a smile. "I hope he plans some for me too." "No, I'm not talking about that," John said. "He's going to turn her over to a pimp. They're going to make a whore out of her." Janie looked at him and didn't comment for a few moments. "Being a prostitute isn't the worst thing in the world, I guess," Janie said. "There are a lot of things that are worse." "I guess so," John said, "but that sounds kinda cold to me. Poor thing hasn't got much going for her. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there could be something she could do." "Maybe," Janie said doubtfully, "What does Patty think about it?" "I don't know," He answered. "Al said he was going to talk to her about it. He's not going to force her or anything like that." "Well John," Janie said. "It will be her call then won't it? Come on let's go get some lunch." CHAPTER TEN After they had eaten lunch they went into the den. "It is time for a drink or two," Al announced. And in my official capacity as regional vice president I declare that tomorrow is a holiday." He laughed. "At least for we three. Let's stay another night and go in tomorrow." "Got my vote," Bill said. "I'll need to make a few calls." "Yeah I'll drink to that," John said. "I can get everything covered by phone, I think." He glanced over and noticed that Patty and Janie were in a whispering huddle in a far corner of the room. "Is that all right with you, Janie?" he called. up in some gang and she'll be old and worn out before she's thirty." "So taking her to the city and making a whore out of her is your ideal of the good life," John said. He was shaking his head. "I'm not talking about a street whore," Al said. "I have a friend who runs a high class operation. Albert will take her in and teach her some smarts. Hells fire, Patty could be a millionaire by the time she's thirty and she'll still be looking good." "I don't know," John said. "I'm not sure about it. Does she know that's what you have in mind for her?" "No, but we'll talk about it. She'll know before we go. Hey, lighten up John. I'm not a white slaver. If she doesn't want it, then fine she doesn't have to go. Are you and Janie going to adopt her? Going to send her to school? Damn it, if you can come up with something better, do it." Nothing else was said about that morning. John gave it a lot of thought and finally had to admit that he didn't know what to do for Patty. He was thinking that maybe Al was right. Maybe that was best for her. When they got back to their cabin, Patty and Janie put on a show. They took their tops off and skied into the cove topless. They could hear Bill yelling his appreciation as they docked. Al and Patty started up the path toward the cabin while John and Janie tied up and cleaned out the boat. "You know what Al has planned for Patty?" John asked Janie. "I have a good idea," Janie said with a smile. "I hope he plans some for me too." "No, I'm not talking about that," John said. "He's going to turn her over to a pimp. They're going to make a whore out of her." Janie looked at him and didn't comment for a few moments. "Being a prostitute isn't the worst thing in the world, I guess," Janie said. "There are a lot of things that are worse." "I guess so," John said, "but that sounds kinda cold to me. Poor thing hasn't got much going for her. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but there could be something she could do." "Maybe," Janie said doubtfully, "What does Patty think about it?" "I don't know," He answered. "Al said he was going to talk to her about it. He's not going to force her or anything like that." "Well John," Janie said. "It will be her call then won't it? Come on let's go get some lunch." CHAPTER TEN After they had eaten lunch they went into the den. "It is time for a drink or two," Al announced. And in my official capacity as regional vice president I declare that tomorrow is a holiday." He laughed. "At least for we three. Let's stay another night and go in tomorrow." "Got my vote," Bill said. "I'll need to make a few calls." "Yeah I'll drink to that," John said. "I can get everything covered by phone, I think." He glanced over and noticed that Patty and Janie were in a whispering huddle in a far corner of the room. "Is that all right with you, Janie?" he called. "Yes dear," Janie called back. "What?" "Stay another night," he answered. "Go home tomorrow." "Sounds lovely," she said laughing, "I think I can stand one more night of debauchery. What about you, Patty?" "I don't know what debauchery is," Patty answered, 'but if it means more screwing then I'm for it." "It does mean exactly that," Al said. "Why don't you ladies come join us? I have something to discuss with Patty and you all can help." "So what's to discuss?" Patty asked when Janie and her had made themselves comfortable. Patty was sitting on Bills lap and Janie was sitting on Al's. "Your future, Patty," Al said. "I wasn't just kidding when I said I'd be willing to take you with me when I go back to the city. I wasn't thinking so much of a visit but more along the lines of a permanent situation. I think I can help you find work there." "Cool," Patty said giggling. Bill was tweaking her nipples. "When are we going?" "Wait a minute, Patty," Janie said twisting around to look at Al. "What kind of work?" "The only kind she has any talent for," Al said. "I told John, I have a friend that's in the business. Albert will take her on and train her. Patty will do great." "My God you mean prostitution!" Janie said jerking to an upright position. "That's it, isn't it?" "Yes of course that's what I mean," Al said. "Think about it guys. What the hell is Patty going to do? Bill sure ain't going to marry her, are you Bill?" "Hell no," Bill said. He had suddenly forgotten that he had a sex kitten sitting on his lap. "But I don't know about some guy making a whore out of her either." "Patty," Janie said. "Do you understand what we are talking about? Al is planning on making a prostitute out of you.a whore. Is that what you want?" "Cool," Patty said. "Fuck and get paid. Sounds good to me." Janie looked helplessly at John who shrugged. John wasn't keen on the idea, but had absolutely no alternative to offer. Al was right. Patty had very little in the way of options. "But surely there is something." Janie started to say. Al interrupted her. "No education, no skills, no training and frankly not very bright," Al said. "Hell, I wouldn't suggest it if there was anything else she could do." He paused then said, "You and John could take her in, I guess. Maybe send her to some type of vocational school. Get her a job flipping burgers somewhere." "Well that would beat the hell out of prostitution," Janie said. "Hey," Patty said. "I ain't going to no school. You can forget that right now. I tried that and it sucked." Patty had released Bills cock from his shorts and was stroking it. "I really like the idea of fucking for money." She giggled, "Course I like the idea of fucking for nothing, too." "If you went with Albert," Al said, "he would train you. You wouldn't make much until you were trained." "What training?" Patty said. "I know how to fuck. I give great head, too." "No you don't," Al said. "You have a lot to learn about being a great cock sucker. You would thrill the pants off the high school boys, but not the big boys. There is a lot to learn about being a successful call girl and Albert and his women can teach you all about it." Patty seemed miffed that Al didn't think she was a great cock sucker. "Damn, it still sounds kinda cold," Bill said. "If you guys think it's a bad idea," Al said, "then I'll not do it." "Can she really make any money?" Janie said. "I thought pimps kept everything for themselves." "Some do," Al said. "Some keep there girls doped up so that they can't leave. Albert doesn't run his business that way. Dope is out. He'll kick a girl that uses out on her ass. I'll tell you what.if Patty doesn't clear fifty thousand dollars the first year, I'll make up the difference out of my pocket." "Fifty grand?" Bill said, staring at Al. "You got to be kidding!" "I kid you not," Al said. "Patty would be servicing a select group. Upscale black men who would be more that happy to pay big bucks to fuck a pretty little white girl. I know several of Albert's party girls that make two or three times the figure I mentioned. Here the best part. Albert has a financial advisor who invests the girl's money for them. The advisor keeps the girls straight with the IRS, too." "Does Albert need a slightly older girl?" Janie asked. She was leaning back against Al's chest and he had his large black hands on her tits. "Sounds like a dream job, to me." "Sweetheart, Albert would take you on in a heartbeat," Al said. "You don't need much training. You could start making big money right away." "Hey," John said. "It's one thing to steal Bill's girlfriend, but that's my wife you're recruiting there." "Relax, John," Al said laughing. "I'm not trying to steal your wife away. But if she was interested she could work part time. Say a couple weekends a month. Janie could still make a lot of money. Anyway we still haven't decided about Patty. Does anybody have any strong objections to my proposal? If you do then I'll forget it." Nobody did. At least none that we could articulate. It seemed that Patty would be going with Al when he went back and John was almost certain that Janie would be going for a visit, too.