Copyright © 1997 Master Wade. ALL Rights Reserved. This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted through MRWADE.239 By Master Wade Carmen Carmen arrived at Dan's house at 1:30. She was sorry, she said, her son had come down with a fever and she had taken him to the emergency room. He was better, and was staying with her mother now. Could they still make the festival? She hoped so. She had so looked forward to it. "Does your husband live with you now?", Dan asked, calmly. "No, of course not. Why would you ask such a thing?" "I just wondered. It would explain some of the things that have happened lately." "But why would you ask that? I don't understand." "It just occurred to me that you might have let him move back in with you." "No. Goodness. That's been over with for a long time. Why would I lie to you about that? You'll never trust me, will you? You're something else. "I want to believe you. It just isn't very easy sometimes." "Right. Well, I don't think I want to go to the festival after all. I'm not really in the mood for that now. I think I'll go check on my son. You enjoy yourself, "Master of Desire". Carmen walked away, leaving Dan alone. Dan didn't call Carmen for days after that, and recieved no calls from her. His heart was broken. He could hardly believe that Carmen would have lied to him so completely. He wondered how long her husband had been back in their home, and if her intentions with him had ever been genuine. He tried to forget her, but every time he turned on the television and saw a couple together, he thought of her. Every time he fought back his urge to be in a D/s relationship, he thought of her. Every time he masturbated, or tried to, he thought of her. It got to the point that he could hardly work, or hardly sleep. Dan considered all his options. He knew that Carmen was a genuine submissive. He just simply would not believe that she was not. And he also could see that there was little of value left in her fact, there wasn't a marriage, she truly was divorced, he had checked on that and found it to be true. She was allowing her ex-husband to live with her for the sake of her son, and it was bringing everyone misery in the process. But what could he do? He could go on as if she didn't exist and try to deny his love for her, or his desire for her, or at least he could try. He could take another slave, and hope that his involvement with her would help him to forget Carmen. He could pretend that the things he could have had with Carmen were not important to him, and that he was happy. He could pretend, and be a liar to himself and to everyone else. Dan waited. While he did, Carmen called from time to time, just to say hi. She even came over once and fixed dinner, as she had in the past. But it wasn't the same. Dan knew she would be going home to her ex-husband, and Carmen knew that things would never be right between she and Dan until she told him the whole truth, and changed her situation at home. Finally the phone rang one night at 12:30. Still up, Dan heard Carmen's sobbing voice on the other end of the line. "I need you, Master," she said, her voice breaking. "What's wrong, Carmen?", Dan asked, frightened. "What's happened?" "It's my ex. He...oh God...he trashed my house, Master. And he's gone with Gerald. All of Gerald's things are gone too. His room is empty. He took my son, Master!" "Have you called the police?", Dan asked, anger building inside him. "No! I don't want to call the police. I just want Gerald back." "How do you know it was your ex?", Dan asked. "I know it was. He found out about you. He found some things I had hidden here. He got into my computer too. It was him. We fought last night and now he's gone, and has taken Gerald with him! Oh, God, Master...what can I do?" "I'll be right over. Just wait there and try to be calm. And don't touch things or straighten up. Just wait for me. Can you do that?" "I don't think you should come, here, Master. What if he comes back?" "For once in your life, Carmen, listen to me and do what I say. Sit down and wait for me and do NOTHING. I'll be there in less than a half hour. Okay?" Carmen finally agreed, but Dan put little confidence in her promise to sit there and do nothing. He broke every traffic law possible on the way to her house, and even then felt that it had taken days to get there. Once there, Dan could only shake his head at the damage that had been done to Carmen's lovely home. Every room had been disfigured, from turned over furniture and broken lamps to the contents of cabinets and drawers emptied out and spilled all over the floor. The handle of a sledge hammer was sticking out of her broken computer monitor's screen. "You have to call the police, you know. Your insurance won't pay for any of this damage if you don't." "His name is still on the title to the house. Can they arrest someone who destroys his own property?" "No, I guess not. Nor will your insurance pay for the damage, under those circumstances." "I don't care about any of that. I just want Gerald back! Where has he taken him?" "I don't know, Carmen. I know how you feel. Where do you think he might have taken him? Do you have custody of Gerald? Or do you have joint custody?" "I have full custody...but it doesn't mean very much right now, does it? I've got to find him!" Dan tried to calm Carmen down, but she was beside herself. "Look...he's Gerald's father. He isn't going to hurt him. You don't fear that, do you? He's only angry at you and he's going to make you pay for his anger and his hurt. Gerald is going to be okay, and you'll hear from him soon, I'm sure. He'll miss you, and he'll want to talk with you. Your ex will begin to realize that he has in effect kidnapped Gerald when his anger dies down a bit." "I don't know that he'll realize that. He's not so quick to think of all the consequences of his actions sometimes." "Well, then perhaps we'd better call the police and let them start looking for him." "But I don't want to call the police! I just want Gerald back. I can't call the police on my child's father!" Back and forth they went, with Carmen finding an objection to every concievable action that Dan could suggest they take. Finally, at nearly three in the morning, her phone rang. It was her ex. Gerald was fine, and asleep. No, he wouldn't tell her where they were. He would call her the next day and tell her. She deserved everything that had happened to her, he said, and he hoped she was happy. No, he wouldn't wake Gerald. He had told Gerald they were taking a little vacation together, and he wouldn't let him be worried by the sound of his mother's voice. Perhaps he would let her talk with him tomorrow, after she had calmed down some. Carmen felt some better after the call from her ex, and Dan helped her put the house in some kind of reasonable order again. When they had done so, they talked some more. "When you stopped calling me, I started going onto some bulletin boards with my computer," she said, going over the events of the last few weeks. "I wasn't doing anything much, really, just chatting a bit with some people. But they sent me email, and some stories from time to time. It was just harmless flirtation and chatting, but they were dominant men, like you. "My ex found the letters I had gotten in the mail and he began snooping. He got into my computer and found your name in my address book. He got into the phone answering machine logs the calls that come in...and found your number and realized I had been seeing you. He found the emails and stories I'd been getting from other dominant men on the computer. And I guess he put two and two together and went bezerk. But he had no right! We're divorced! I just let him move back in for Gerald's sake, honest! I haven't made love to him, or even let him sleep in the same bed with me! He's tried, but I haven't let him. I just wanted Gerald to be happy. That's all." "And you kept it all from me. Why didn't you tell me? Why weren't you honest with me?" "I didn't want to hurt you. And I was afraid you would do something...try to talk to my ex...I don't know. I just was afraid, and I didn't know what to do. And I didn't want to lose you. I love you, no matter what you think, and I know now that I can't deny my submissive nature forever. I didn't want to be the one to keep my son from having his mother and father in his life. Can't you understand that? Can't you see how I was hoping I could have some of my needs met and still avoid being a homebreaker and hurting anyone? I tried to divorce him, Dan, but he kept coming back. He'd come even when Gerald was at a friend's, and he would sit there in the living room and watch tv, as if he still lived here. I tried to make him stop it, but he kept coming. And I couldn't let Gerald see me forcing him out of the house. How could I do that?" "You never want to hurt anyone, I know. But don't you see, Carmen...don't you see that hurt is unavoidable? Don't you see that life is full of pain and heartbreak? Don't you understand that the process of living is facing up to the truth, and accepting it, and going on? Lies don't change the truth, they only hide it. And it never goes away, Carmen. The truth is always there, waiting to be discovered. And it always is." "I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, but I know I have. I never wanted to lie to you, but I know I did. I'm so sorry. I've made a very big mistake." "Yes, you have. But that's all a part of life too. What's important now is that you stop lying and begin telling the truth. What you have to do now is stop trying to live a double life and give your whole self to one real life where you give your all to it. Can you do that? Don't you want to do that, more than anything?" Continued in Chapter Four..... -- Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!! Be There.....