mf With that in mind, I thought I would put a little effort into writing a short story that wouldn't necessitate creating macros for "cock", "cunt" and their lexical cousins for efficiency. I thought it would be a nice challenge to paint an erotic picture with the "pastels" of the english language. Did I do well? I don't know. If anyone ever reads here, maybe you could take a quick read and if you feel strongly either way, drop a like with a suggestion, critique or compliment. Thanks. I woke up to her fingers on my chest. Her fingertips idly tracing delicate spirals across my skin. I remained still - letting her touch pull away the initial grogginess until her urgency grew. She curled her fingers and let her fingernails creep around my breast. While surrendering a low sigh, I rolled slightly towards her. Knowing that I was now aware, she flattened her hand against me. She knew how much I enjoyed the simple intimate touches from her. The air remained very hot and still even with the windows fully opened. A small chorus of the lake's frogs sang out in the distance but were nearly masked by the everpresent calls of crickets. The scent of the forest now filled the room, leaving no sensible evidence of our unions a few hours ago. Tomorrow evening we would have to return home. But that was tomorrow. I rolled further to the right so I could now face her. While it was still to dark to see any more than a faint outline of her beauiful body with my eyes, my mind was able to picture her fully as she rested in front of me. The coolness that remained when she finally lifted her hand made me realize we were probably both glistening with a sheen of sweat from the heavy air. I started to rise on my elbow...there were a few things I thought I should say but right away, her hand stole to my face - placing two fingers gently against my lips. A slight nod and I then allowed my head to slowly fall back to my pillow. She slowly moved towards me and brought her head to nuzzle my neck. The heat from our bodies contrasted with the gentle coolness left behind by a trail of anglelic kisses from my throat to my own nipples. I reached out to her, letting my hand start from the rise of her hip, then down to her waist and rise up with her chest. While my fingers stayed along her side, I slowly followed the swell of the edge of her breast with my thumb. Then, pivoting from the thumb, slowly covered it with my hand and delicately pressed so she would "know" I was there. The quick flicks of her tongue highlighted her journey across my body leaving an irregular trail of cooling, tasted skin. She began to slide her hand from caressing the sides of my waist to the front and down. I was already swelling to meet her fingers as they curled around the shaft. Sliding one leg away, I gave her magical fingers access to roam freely - and they did sending sparkling sensations through my body as she prepared me. I turned onto my back again, letting the sensations ride through me. >From her breast and my side, I moved my hands to her head and back. I wove my fingers into and out of her hair while she kissed my stomach. With the other, I traced my fingers across her beautiful shoulders and back. After half of Forever, she got down to where her manipulaive fingers had me quite excited. And with one kiss to the tip, she let go and straighened her body alongside mine. I could still barely see the shadow of her face in the darkness, but I could hear and feel her breath against my neck. With one slow kiss to my own lips, she hen rolled over and pressed her body against mine. She curled her legs up against her, then lifted one away from the other slightly as I rose slowly and rolled to her. A playful wiggle of her rear against my groin was all the invitation I could stand. She instinctively reached down to guide me, but realised I was already at the gates. She felt very ready to receive me and was still very moist from a couple hours ago, so I entered fully with one slow push. She hooked her top leg behind mine while I returned my hand to her front. She met mine with hers between her breasts, the fingers almost interlocking and then seperating as I rose to the left one and she lowered to the right. Finally, I was also able to return the favor of the kisses to the neck and then move up with playful nibbles all the way to her ear. Our motions were slight - this was a time to savor all the sensations together over time. My being nearly fully inside her again always seemed to be a wonderful, familiar experience. She occasionally showed how much she enjoyed me by contracting her walls in a teasingly slow rhythm. Small sighs and moans began to break the silence. What was once a slight glistening of sweat now beaded up on our bodies and mingled. I reached for her hand and guided it down to the base her soft warm belly. After a slow drag across where we were joined - the place where her soft flesh opened to my hard - we moved to where we knew the most pleasure for her was to be found. We caressed and rubbed her together. While at one time her hand was there to guide lead me through her body, that had changed now. Now we worked together, both knowing what she wanted. What she needed. What we needed. We moved our hips against each other - grinding against rather than moving into and out of her. New elixirs slowly flowed from each of us, yielding a slushy sound of my flesh sliding against and into hers. Soon she was getting close. Our hands took on greater urgency to bring it all forth for her. I rose upon an elbow to gain leverage. We moved faster against each other until she let out a choked scream while her hips slid back hard and contracted quickly against me. It arose quickly and then subsided slowly while her hands stole away to the base and my pouch below. Her deft fingers quickly brought the relief I desired as my back arched, pushing me hard and deeply into her. We both gasped as my pulsations pumped more warm emissions deep inside her belly for the final time that night. Her continuing contractions pulled more and more from me until there was none left. I collapsed against the bed watching stars float by that were not there. As I pushed an arm under her to meet the one over her so I could hold her against me that night...and forever, she pulled her knees up to her body. Her breathing slowed and the slow moans and sighs got deeper and faded into the dark. We were asleep before we were ever apart.