passion. She figured that the energy generated by this sexual encounter, as well as the releases she hadn't allowed him to have with Andrea should be enough to break down Danielle's barrier. Gina reached into his head, removing all of the barriers she had constructed since last night and said, "Come for me, Andrew." The blue light flared brilliantly, flooding the room, the hall, the floor, as Andrew exploded. The fulminating aura blinded Gina enough that she couldn't stand to look at the metaphysical plane for a few seconds. She could even sense other initiates in the castle as they were touched by a piece of Andrew's metaphysical nova. Gina amusedly realized that she had underestimated the amount of energy he would release by a couple of orders of magnitude. "Oops," she said very quietly with a smile. *** Andy sensed Angie's orgasm a few seconds before her internal convulsions began. It was a feeling he had quickly grown to appreciate when Gina kept him from reaching orgasm without pain: his lover's ecstasy was much more obvious, much more tangible in the absence of pre- ejaculatory sensation. He watched Angie's pretty face turn red, she gurgled, and Andy got even more turned on. Suddenly, Andy heard Gina quietly say, "Come for me, Andrew." His hips gave a MIGHTY buck, unsuccessfully trying to throw the petite woman off of his cock. He felt every molecule of his dick vibrate, and with a loud, deep sigh, he shot a large blob of cum forcefully into Angie's roiling pussy. "Geee-naaaa!!!!" Angie yelped, "he's cuuuuummminnngg!!!" That was an understatement. Although it hadn't hurt when Gina kept his nuts from launching cum with Andrea, and earlier with Angie, they were certainly free to fire away now. They lurched, making his body pulse with each throb. "Ohhh! Gawd!!!" Angie snorted. "It's soooo... much!!" That didn't stop her from grinding against Andy. She rode him as he bucked like the mechanical bull at the country bar, but she wasn't about to let go of _this_ one. The tiny woman stayed on top of her no-longer-entranced lover, squeezing at his chest, instinctively trapping her pleasure button between their bodies. Angie rode a high-velocity wave of orgasm longer than she ever had, and she didn't ever want to stop... Andy's only external sense was the vague feeling of another presence nearby. His ejaculation was his world, his universe. Each throb of his cock burned far longer, more intensely than he could remember. His body would jerk and he must have been making noise, but he felt... beyond ecstasy. Andy thought that he was having the ultimate orgasm, during the perfect sex act, with Angie, who was the ultimate sex partner. And he could just die after this and it wouldn't matter... "Wake up, Drew," Angie said. She was now dressed and sitting next to Andy's prone, naked body. She looked down at him; he was, well... out of it. While she had come _real_ hard, obviously it had been even better for him. I wish I could read his mind, she wistfully thought. Andy gave her a sleepy, sincere smile. Angie abruptly remembered her experiment. She leaned over him, mischief on her mind. "How do you feel?" she playfully asked, watching his eyes try to focus. No, not yet... Angie began tracing gentle circles around his breasts. "I... I..." Andy's voice trailed off, and his eyes would not focus. He felt really... sleepy again. His post-orgasm nap was threatening to spontaneously resume. "You like this when Angie does it," she purred. Andy wanted to say... something... but... it... was... "Ohhh, you're going into trance... Angie's trance," she breathed. "Deep as I rub... My hands are loving you... and you're go-o-oing fa-a-a-arrr away... Deeeper.... into trance... for Annnn-gieee... Obey... Angie... in warm, sooothing trance... Close your eyes... and sleeeep for Annn-gieeee..." Angie watched as Andy's eyes closed, pushed shut by her post-hypnotic command. She hadn't even bothered with his aura this time and he was in trance. This had promise. "God, Gina... He's really under my spell." She felt her insides quiver as she said it. "Drew... what do you think of Angie? You are in Angie's trance, and you must obey... Tell Angie the truth," she sang quietly. "Angie... Mistress... Obey... Beautiful... Sexy... Wonderful... Love... Angie... Trance," Andy said, the emotions and desires she evoked in him floating to the surface unencumbered by thoughts. Her insides were definitely turning liquid, and they were definitely warm. Drew was really UNDER HER SPELL. "I-I think I'm getting hot again..." Angie took a couple of quick, deep breaths to steady herself and calm down. It didn't work. She was going all gooey again... "Oh, Gina, can I do him again? Please?" Gina looked at the sleeping Andy while Angie continued to massage his nipples. On the metaphysical plane, he was very, very sluggish. "No, Angie. We don't want to kill him, although I suspect he wouldn't mind dying in the middle of having sex with you," she replied. Angie was only half-paying attention. The sexy young initiate was continuing the massage that held the young man in trance, and was looking hungrily at the unaware Andy. "I thought you weren't sexually attracted to Andrew," Gina commented. Time to make a point. "But he's hypnotized now," Angie whined in protest. Her eyes hadn't left Andy's sleeping body. "Let him come back now, Angie," Gina cajoled. "You can have him, or any other willing man whenever you want. However, this episode of your fantasy must end now. I've shown you another way to use the power. Instead of commanding directly, you can find a man who is willing to trust you with his essence. Then you may possess him completely, body and soul." Of course, Andrew's willingness to surrender control to the tiny woman had been the key to this lesson. That would be more difficult for Angie to find in the real world, but she had learned how to do it, and that's what classrooms were for. Gina paused as Angie turned to face her directly. The pretty girl still kept circling Andy's chest with her hands. "That will allow you to indulge your fantasies. As you have seen and felt, once Andrew became the man in your real-life fantasy, you were quite helpless to resist. In essence, your mind took over your body as well as his soul, and you stopped caring about his physical assets," Gina finished. Angie's eyes widened with comprehension. The lesson was over. "Can I--do this to him again? I mean, will he still..." Angie hesitated. She didn't want to lose Andy, just in case she couldn't hypnotize somebody else. "Your post-hypnotic command will remain, if that's what you're worried about," Gina offered. "Please don't use it--indiscriminately, or I _will_ remove it," she warned. "Now run along, dear. Andrew and I have some _private_, unfinished business." Angie sighed. Half a loaf was better than none, she supposed. Besides, she could do this to Andy again, sometime. Hopefully soon. "Drew?" she queried softly. He hummed sleepily, eyes still closed. Angie felt a tingle of excitement, but it was plain that she was not going to have him again. At least not tonight. "You will remember nothing that you have heard since Angie has started loving you with her hands. Do you understand... your mistress Angie?" "Yes. I... understand," he replied, eyes closed, still mesmerized. "Good. Now when Angie stops loving you, you will return from Angie's trance, and wake up when... Gina speaks. What will you do the next time Angie loves you with her hands?" "I... will go... deep. Into Angie's trance," Andy said. Gina watched the pixie-like initiate tremble with excitement. At times like this, she wished she could read women's minds as well as men's. Angie was clearly very, very aroused, and might well have fucked Andrew into oblivion if not for Gina's presence. With obvious reluctance, Angie stopped her gentle caresses and turned to Gina. "Hello, Andrew. Welcome back," Gina said with amusement, rousing him from his slumber. She browsed Andy's mind for a couple of seconds out of curiosity while Angie leaned over and gave him a long, wet kiss. The images from Andrew's hypnosis were very sharp and clear. The non-visual memories were extremely strong, and Gina found the post-hypnotic suggestion easily. Angie left the room flashing a happy, excited smile at him. "Now, you and I need to talk," Gina began, looking down at Andy. He opened his mouth and waited expectantly. "Oh, no! You're _much_ too exhausted for that," Gina exclaimed, surprised, but _very_ pleased that he was so eager to give himself to her. She silently whimpered in frustration. "No... I just want you to let me in. Think about Danielle." As Gina had thought, the bottled energy released by Andrew's orgasm had obliterated the wall that Danielle had constructed to keep her deeds hidden from the outside world. "Just relax, Andrew. I won't hurt you at all," she cooed. Gina watched Danielle command Andrew from his memories of the events. He had kissed Danielle's feet, run all over the house just to light her cigarettes, and been extremely servile. She watched in amazement at Danielle's cruel, but creative, teasing. The young initiate's sex drive was quite high, too. Gina began to realize that Danielle Gray could turn out to be worse than Lia Terry. Andy had gone to sleep while Gina rummaged through his completely open memories. She withdrew abruptly, waking him up. "Oh! I'm sorry," she apologized, as confusion immediately filled his mind, surging with enough force for her to sense it without trying. Gina quickly slowed his higher brain functions and cooed at him soothingly, sending him back to sleep. "I'll explain tomorrow," she gently told her young charge, more as a reminder to herself, since Andy was asleep. Once again, Gina had underestimated Danielle's grasp of the power. The young initiate was now able to directly manipulate men's emotions. That could have major negative repercussions for the entire coven if something wasn't done about it. Whether Danielle was ready or not, it was going to be necessary to start her training very soon. Gina looked at Andy, and made a silent promise to make it up to him. The Coven Danielle's Weekend Danielle sped down the highway headed for the nightclub district in town. She would have about three hours to find Brendan. Although she had canceled her date for tonight because of Monica's initiation ceremony, the evening wasn't going to be a total loss: she had gotten rid of Andy for the weekend. Danielle felt pretty good; she had fed unusually well at the ceremony, even taking seconds. She laughed aloud in the empty car as she remembered Lia's expression and subsequent comment. "Maybe we'll make a _real_ coven member out of you after all," the vengeful blonde had said. *** It was now two-thirty in the morning, and Danielle had been to all of the clubs in the district and found no sign of Brendan. She sighed; he must have gone somewhere else, because he hadn't been home when she called. She really wasn't interested in anybody else, so she hadn't paid any attention to the men she'd seen so far. Those who had approached had been steered away with a shot of the power. Dani was ready to call it a night. Maybe spending the night alone at home wasn't such a bad idea... She headed for the club entrance. As she got to the door, she was suddenly grabbed from behind by strong arms. "HEYYY!!!! DANIELLE!!!" She turned to find Chris grinning stupidly at her. "Oh, hi Chris," she returned without enthusiasm. Truth to tell, even if she had been in the mood, Chris was not somebody she'd pick. He was immature; his idea of a good time was getting drunk and he had no concept of women beyond fucking, although he was very good at it. While he had seemed a good idea at the time, she wanted more in a man now. Like, say, Brendan. Tonight, Dani just wanted to go home. Chris kept hugging her, and she felt the stirrings of his bulge against her rear. Oh, _please_... "Missed ya, baby," he said. Dani smelled the alcohol on his breath. Just what I needed, she thought, a hormonally agitated, near-adolescent idiot. Her distaste must have been evident, because the bouncer at the door gave her a querying look. "Come on, Chris, let's--get out of the doorway," she suggested, giving a smile to the bouncer to set him at ease. Chris was probably fighting drunk; that was something else he liked to do, and Danielle didn't want to deal with it. Chris leaned on her from behind, his bulge pushing against her more forcefully now. "Let _go_ of me," she quietly commanded, reaching out with the power in her annoyance. Chris' arms immediately dropped, and Dani walked out of his reach. He staggered after her. "If yer goin' home, can I come too?" he called loudly. People around them looked, causing Danielle to turn around, embarrassed. "Hey, babe, wait up." She sighed. He was definitely too drunk to drive home. "Come on," Dani said with resignation, "I'm going to drive you home. You're drunk." She mentally kicked herself again for making decisions based on muscles and good looks. Even so, what in the hell had possessed her to go out with this asshole a _second_ time? "_Now_ yer talkin' babe," Chris leered, reaching for her with an uncoordinated arm. Danielle wasn't quite quick enough to avoid the swipe. He pulled her roughly to him, but she was sure that it was unintentional; Chris was more drunk than usual. She tolerated his hold on her while they walked to her car. "Guess we go to yer place, huh?" he slurred when she opened the door for him. He seemed to be getting drunker by the minute. Whatever he had was beginning to really kick in. Danielle dawdled a little outside of the car before getting in the driver's side, hoping that Chris would pass out quietly. She _must_ have been drunk herself last month on those two nights... As soon as she climbed into the car, Chris was all over her, sloppily kissing her face, drooling, his hands were everywhere and he was so big that she was pinned to her seat. "I know yer hot fer me, baby," Chris growled. "I got the big hard dick ya want right here. I know how ya like it." He mauled her chest with his hands. Danielle could barely breathe there was no room in the car and Chris was all over her she couldn't think and his hand went up her skirt she couldn't focus enough to make him stop he was so strong pulling at her blouse... Danielle panicked, which was the worst thing that could have happened. To Chris. Dani opened her mouth when Chris gave her a savage hickey on her neck. He quickly tried to assault her mouth again with his. Chris' mouth froze a few inches from hers as she reflexively drew on his essence to protect herself. As a technique for stopping unwanted advances, it was foolproof. Dani relaxed when she no longer felt harassed, taking a deep breath to calm down after his alcohol-and-hormone-fueled attack. Danielle blinked, and suddenly realized that she was alone in the car. Chris' jeans were partially in the passenger seat and the sport shirt he had been wearing sat on her chest. Both the pants and shirt were empty. Well, there was--something--left. "SHIT!!!" she yelled, frantically brushing the dust that had been Chris off her outfit. His socks, full of the same dust, were still in his shoes, which sat on the floor of the passenger side. Danielle was distraught; she had only wanted to take the wind out of his sails and put Chris to sleep. Instead, she had sucked the life right out of him, not even leaving enough essence to hold his body together. If only he hadn't been so aggressive, she would have been able to use the power to command him to stop. Sucking the life out of him on an impulse without caring, that was something that Lia would do, not her. She couldn't even remember what Chris had tasted like. Dani couldn't ever remember it happening so fast, or without her concentrating. Worse, that was her _third_ of the night; she usually had trouble finishing one. She sat dumbly in the car for a few minutes, but decided that she had better leave the parking lot because the clubs were closing soon, and then too many people would be around. What was happening to her? Why did she kill Chris? It wasn't like she hadn't fed that night; she hadn't even been hungry. She drove to a nearby deserted area and dumped Chris' clothes and dust, then headed for an all-night diner. Danielle needed to think, but her mind was all confused. By the time she got to Denny's, Danielle had started to feel... sort of good, actually. She felt kind of warm. After all, Chris had been an accident; it wasn't like she went looking for him. She sat in an unoccupied booth and ordered coffee, feeling strangely alert despite the late hour. A pair of young couples walked in, laughing quietly among themselves. Dani didn't notice until the waitress asked her if she would mind moving to the counter. "Oh-- what? Sure," she replied distractedly. The warm feeling she had noticed earlier was still strong, aided by the coffee. She picked up her coffee and sauntered towards the counter. Dani froze when she saw a man sit down in the middle of four empty seats. He had black hair tied in a neat ponytail and a thick moustache. His shoulders were wide, and Danielle could see that he was about Brendan's height, maybe even a little taller. An urge flashed through her, raising the temperature in her veins, and it definitely wasn't the coffee. He was handsome, young and strong. Danielle suddenly felt... sexy. Very sexy. She moved graciously now, light on her feet, and slid into the stool next to him. "Do you have a light?" she asked, voice quiet and throaty. The young man took one look at her and produced a lighter. "Thank you," she exhaled, leaning against the back of the counter seat. She crossed her legs leisurely and took another slow drag. "I'm Danielle," she declared, a lustful challenge in her newly acquired husky voice. She narrowed her eyes purposefully as she leveled her gaze at the man. "My name's Darrell. I'm a bartender at the 19th Hole," he answered, letting a note of interest fill his response. It had been a long, slow night at the club, but this woman might just make up for it. He let his eyes slide discreetly over her legs, then quickly resumed looking at her face. Great legs. "Had a good night, Danielle?" "Not really." Dani shifted position on the seat, casually dragging on her smoke before tilting her head back to exhale. She arched her back slightly as she did it, pushing her breasts at Darrell. "I was looking for somebody but--" She tossed her head. "I haven't found him..." There was the briefest of long pauses. "Yet," she finished, returning her smoldering eyes to his face. Darrell fought the urge to shift in his seat. "Well," he began, "Danielle, what makes you think you would find him at a Denny's?" He wanted to believe what he was seeing and hearing, but it had to be too good to be true. Danielle's body language was saying, "Fuck me. I'll be the best you've ever had." The way she was looking at him was making him more than a little horny, but he successfully suppressed his erection. A little caution never hurt. She could be one of those weird chicks who liked to leave guys high and dry. But damn, she was hot! "Because there's no telling where a girl might get--lucky." That did it. Darrell could hardly restrain himself from grabbing her and kissing her right there at the counter in--Denny's, for chrissakes! But still, better safe than sorry. "If you think positive like that, you will get lucky," he said smoothly. "Especially as beautiful as you are," he continued. Flattery was always good. He assumed his best nonchalant air (under the circumstances--Danielle was making it awful difficult to play it cool) and added, "You never know. A guy like me could ask you for your phone number." "How about--" Dani took a final drag and crushed her cigarette out. "_Your_ place," she said, leaving absolutely no sign that it was to be considered a question. Darrell recovered from the shock quickly. Shit, he had to have this woman. Caution be damned, that's what rubbers are for. Besides, what are the odds that she's a maniac killer? "I'll pick up the coffee." He waved to the waitress. "Nothin' for me tonight, Linda." She waved back, and Darrell left a couple of dollar bills on the counter and stood up. Danielle eased off of her perch, moving gracefully, heat implied in her every fluid motion. Darrell had to hold back a gasp as Danielle took a step to him; everything she did was incredibly sexy. Her eyes glittered with their blue-gray sparkle, broadcasting a challenging promise he could hear in his mind. His pants felt a little full in front as he took her hand. It sent a tingle through his whole body, and he had to force himself to walk casually, slowly out of the restaurant, leading Danielle by the hand. He never saw the glazed looks of hungry attention Danielle drew from every other male in Denny's as she passed. "I'll follow you," Danielle purred when they got outside. She was very excited by her catch. Her panties were beginning to moisten in anticipation. She blew Darrell a kiss, causing him to bump into a parked car as he headed across the lot. Dani had no problems following him to his apartment. He was waiting for her outside his car after she had parked a few cars down the street. She grabbed Darrell's head and pulled his mouth to hers and they kissed passionately on the street. His tongue sent little electric shocks through her, his body felt so alive, and he tasted wonderful. She pushed him against the side of his car and drove her tongue into his mouth again. Danielle pressed herself against him and his erection, warm and vibrant, pushed back at her through his pants. Darrell broke the second kiss gasping for air. He already knew that they weren't going to make it to the bedroom, but if Danielle kept this up, they might not even make it inside. He saw her close her eyes and she leaned forward, mouth opening for another kiss. Here we go again, he thought amusedly as his lips parted... *** A half-hour later, Danielle was home, having completely forgotten about the clothes left lying on the grass somewhere in the city. She felt very warm and cozy, and was very drowsy. She headed for her bed immediately after locking the door. Danielle turned out the light, hugged her pillow to her, and uttered a contented sigh. She felt... very good. Danielle woke up the next morning feeling sort of lethargic. She wasn't hung over; she just felt--lazy. In a good way. Last night had been a wonderful... what exactly did she do last night??? Let's see... left work with Andy... Where was he anyway? Where were her coffee and morning cigarette? "Andy!!!" she bellowed. He was really going to suffer for... "Oh damn. That's right. I left him at the castle," she said to her empty room. A small wistfulness went through her; she missed being pampered by her houseboy already. On the other hand, that meant she could use her power to the fullest on Brendan, without having to divert any to keep Andy out of their hair. Her insides fluttered a little at the thought. She got up and called Brendan, getting a little frustrated when he didn't answer the phone. She later remembered that he had been scheduled to play golf that morning. It was a career move: his foursome included his boss and boss' boss. Dani wanted her fiance to make a good impression with the higher-ups. Well, he's not my fiance yet, but he will be, she silently reminded herself. By six o'clock that evening, Danielle still hadn't done much of anything. The lethargy that she had arisen with had settled in over her like a thick, heavy fog for the duration of the day. She hadn't had much enthusiasm for doing anything, and Andy wasn't there to do anything for her. Dani didn't feel like cooking; it had been so long since she had to that she didn't care to, so she called out for pasta instead. "OK, so you miss him," she admitted to the furniture. "He'll be back on Sunday night." When the pimply-faced delivery boy didn't even give her a second look, Danielle decided that she had better get something accomplished. First, she called Brendan. "Yes, I want to go out tonight, too," she cooed into the phone. "I missed you last night, Brendan." Danielle stopped her batting eyelashes and giggled at his lewd reply. "See you at- -nine? OK... I love youuu," she sang through the lines before hanging up. Brendan hadn't proclaimed his undying love in return, but that was OK. He'd be saying it later. They went to a movie first. Dani wanted to see a romantic flick, but Brendan asked if she'd go to the art theater to see a foreign film. Curious, Danielle acquiesced, and found herself sitting through some movie she didn't understand at all, and she wasn't interested enough to read the subtitles. Brendan, on the other hand, seemed very interested in it. He was more interested in the film than in her. "Brendan, hold me," she pouted quietly. His eyes were glued to the screen, so Dani repeated her request and gave him a little push with the power. He pulled her close almost instantly. She cuddled comfortably against him. _Now_ she was happy; the movie be damned. After the movie Brendan asked her if she'd like to go to a coffee house instead of the usual nightclub, but Danielle felt like dancing. "Can't you ever slow down?" Brendan asked jokingly. "How about trying to spend a quiet Saturday night--for a change? I like being with you, Dani, but just for tonight, how about us doing something--" "That I want to do?" she finished, concentrating, and sending her request into Brendan's mind. "You're so sweet, doing what I want to do for tonight. Thank you, Brendan, you make me so happy." He looked slightly confused for a few seconds, as if he was trying to remember something. That was odd. He never seemed to be confused before. Dani focused on him, using more of the power. "You want to take me dancing at Carson's. Because you love me, and you want to make me happy." "Yes," Brendan said absently, his jaw twitching. Then his face abruptly cleared. "Danielle, let's go dancing tonight. Say at... Carson's." She smiled at him. "I thought that might make you happy," he grinned. "C'mon sweetie, let's go." Brendan gave her a quick peck on the cheek before they went to his car. Danielle returned his peck after they got in, and then they kissed deeply, necking in the parking lot for a minute. "Danielle, I love you," Brendan sighed. She felt the flutters in her stomach, and the clingy sensation that meant she was getting wet. Danielle wanted this man. Badly. When they got to Carson's, Brendan bought drinks and they watched the band for a bit. Eventually, Danielle dragged him out on the floor, ignoring his mock protests. After a few songs, (they _finally_ played a slow one!) the pair returned to their table. "Brendan love," she gently said, "I'm going to the ladies' room. Be a dear and get me another white wine, please?" He assented eagerly, and they went their separate directions. When Danielle returned, she found the man of her dreams hugging another woman. "I'm back," she announced, unable to keep the slight chill out of her voice. Brendan didn't seem to notice the cool tone. "Hi Dani, this is Juliet, my boss' daughter." Danielle appraised her--competition. Juliet was gorgeous, by any standard. She was slender with thick red hair that came to her shoulders, and a healthy, although not too obvious, chest. Juliet smiled at her, and Dani sensed that the other woman was used to being rich and beautiful, and didn't flaunt it; it just--was. Danielle may have been no slouch in the looks department, but Juliet was stunningly attractive. As she glanced around, Dani saw at least twenty guys who were watching the red-head's every move with feigned non-interest. "Hi, Danielle," the woman said in a high-pitched, but not harsh voice. Great. She even _talks_ like a fuck-me doll. For some reason, Dani immediately got _very_ jealous, even though she knew that Juliet's money and sex appeal could not compete with her and the power. The thought settled her down enough to not scratch Juliet's eyes out. "Brendan's told me about you," Juliet bubbled pleasantly. "Are you going to come with him to the company party next week?" she asked. Brendan's face immediately went pale. Juliet had just given Danielle a very valuable piece of information. He hasn't told _me_ about any company party... "Yes, we'll be there, Juliet," Danielle quickly answered. Brendan was positively ashen, even though his expression remained neutral. Dani chatted idly with Juliet for a while. The red-head was no real threat to her, and seemed friendly and pleasant enough. As for Brendan, he kept his mouth shut while the two women gossiped. He was dreading the pending discussion with Danielle. His plans to go solo to the party and get together with Juliet, who was also going to be unaccompanied, were dead unless he--broke up--with Danielle. He felt a little bit of regret as he watched the two women chatter away. Danielle was pretty, and she had great legs. She obviously wanted to be with him, maybe a little too much. Dani was also great in bed, enthusiastic, energetic, and always seemed to be hot for him. Juliet was an entirely different matter; she was his boss' daughter, and she was gorgeous. His boss had told him that Juliet would not have a date for the party next week during their round of golf that morning. He had also dropped hints that Juliet would not be unhappy if Brendan were to arrive without a date. So, Brendan knew that the red-head was interested in him; he hoped that Juliet wouldn't be as fanatical about him as Danielle. Juliet stood up to leave their table, interrupting Brendan's thoughts. He swallowed hard before saying, "Bye, Juliet." There was only one thing that he could do. It was the night he was going to have _that_ talk with Dani. The two were silent for a few seconds, then Brendan gathered his courage and gently said, "Dani..." "Brendan, you will take me to the company party," she interrupted. He gaped at her in shock, and Danielle focused again, hitting Brendan with more than a mild dose of the power. She was pissed that he had tried to hide something like that from her. "I am your girlfriend," she resumed, forcing her desire at the young man. "You love me, and there's nobody else you'd _ever_ consider taking." Brendan had a headache all of a sudden; his skull seemed to vibrate, leaving a resonating buzzing noise in his ears. Danielle... I... Juliet... other people... His thoughts refused to gather, and he had trouble concentrating amidst the hubbub in the packed nightclub. Juliet... I... break up... His head began to really hurt. Other people... Danielle... No one else but Danielle. He looked at the beautiful, enchanting brunette across the table: his girlfriend. Brendan smiled at her, and the pain in his head, along with the buzzing of his skull diminished as he realized just how much he loved her. "Danielle, I love you," he said. "Will you go with me to the company party next week? I'm sorry I didn't ask before, somehow, I guess... it musta slipped my mind." Dani smiled. Juliet's fuck-me ways were no match for the power at all. Still, it was better to make sure. She got up, walked over to Brendan and draped her arms across his shoulders from behind. Leaning forward, she effectively cradled the back of his head in her cleavage. With a quick nibble on his ear, she whispered, "Take me home. Now. I'm ready, and I want you." She lightly tongued his ear lobe and neck for added effect. Dani felt him shiver, and knew that he would give her the answer she wanted. They left Carson's in a big hurry. The return trip to Danielle's house was eerily quiet, and seemed to take forever. That was a very good sign. Danielle attacked Brendan as soon as her front door closed. "Yow! Dani--take it easy," Brendan said in a quiet voice. There was a little bit of fear in his statement. What had gotten into her? She was being a little more--no, a _lot_ more--aggressive than usual. Danielle hadn't quite seemed the same since they had run into... Juliet. Juliet... Juliet... Party... Gorgeous... Brendan shook his head to try to slow down his thoughts, which were moving too quickly for him to get a hold of. Wait. He was at Dani's place. What was he doing here anyway? "Danielle... stop," he requested, gently holding the sexually aggressive woman off with extended arms. He took a deep breath. "I think we need to talk," Brendan said firmly. Dani stared at him in disbelief. She had spent the ride home in anticipation of Brendan's wonderful body entwined with hers. They had kissed passionately not more than thirty seconds ago, and she had fondled his cock through his pants. She glanced down. Brendan was not erect. She was wet and willing, and he was... her fiance-to-be was--resisting her??? She brought all her command of the power to bear on him. "You want me because you love me and you will be with me," she sternly ordered. Brendan had been contemplating what he was going to say to Danielle. She wasn't going to like this, but I'd really like to see if anything can happen between Juliet and me... Suddenly, he had a headache again, and he thought somebody was using an industrial sander nearby. Damn, I hope I don't get these headaches around Juliet. Dani, I want to see other people, that's all you have to say. A brilliant white light flashed behind Brendan's eyes, and the pain intensified to his senses for a microsecond. Ju... li... "Fuck me now, Brendan," Dani cooed, having used the power to send him into his loving slave state. She eagerly took his shirt off, then noticed that he wasn't helping. This was not good; was he still resisting? He never had before. She looked up at his face, and it was frozen, as if he were about to say something. Gee, she must have pushed too hard. Still, he was now her slave. "Get undressed." His hands moved quickly and he was standing naked in front of her. Just--standing there. Danielle's frustration was mounting. "Sit on the couch and let me undress for you." He obeyed woodenly. "You love me, don't you Brendan?" Dani said. No response. "Tell me you love me," she requested, with a coy smile. Brendan's reply was flat and emotionless. "I... love.. you." Danielle sighed loudly in exasperation. "No, I mean, you really love me, with all your heart and soul, Brendan. Everything I do excites you to the utmost, because I am your, truest, deepest love." She called on every last bit of power she could muster to make sure that Brendan obeyed this particular command. He sat on the sofa, eyes glued to her. Dani grinned and began to sway in front of him. The last time she had stripped, it had been to torture Andy, and he had gotten really hard, really fast. She hoped that it would have the same effect on Brendan. First, she slid her dress off of her shoulders, left, then a slow, undulating spin, and let it sli-i-ide to the floor. Now, the right shoulder, a circular wiggle, and--it's over her shoulder. Danielle shimmied to the floor, and her dress went with her. She undulated back to a standing position, leaving the dress heaped around her ankles. Raising one of her firm, trim, bare thighs high, she stepped out of the heap, then kicked the dress away. Dani extended her arms, flicking her wrists to add a flourish as she arched her back a little. Her eyes were closed, and her breathing had become a little shallow. She popped the snaps on her bra and rolled her shoulders energetically. The bra fell to the floor and Danielle's breasts jiggled as she moved. The only remaining item of clothing left on her were her wet, silken panties. Danielle was too turned on to be able to wiggle out of them provocatively; she just pulled them off, losing her stripper's air for an instant, but then waved them around in the air. She opened her eyes. Brendan was ogling her body, his cock erect, but he was still sitting on the sofa. "So you want me to come to you," she growled seductively and straddled him, putting his wonderful cock at her ready entrance. Danielle lowered herself onto him with a long, deep, happy sigh. Her hips began to move immediately as her insides closed around Brendan's dick. "Ummm," she moaned, her eyes closing again, helping herself get lost in the sensations of penetration and gentle inner stimulation. She bounced on his lap eagerly, his rigid cock filling her to the exclusion of all else. Dani felt her stomach clench; ohgodshewasreadysofastand... The universe vanished around her, trapping her in a wonderful void where only she, her body and pleasure existed. The world came back into view, and Danielle felt so alive; all of her senses seemed to be extra-sharp. She wrapped her arms around Brendan's neck and kissed him. He didn't return the passion. Dani stopped humping him, and once her body stopped tingling, she realized that Brendan was still just sitting on sofa. He had been nothing more than a human dildo. What was going on here? "Brend-a-a-an," she whined seductively. He was still erect inside of her, but showed no other signs of life. "Oh, _love_ me!" she ordered in frustration. "I... love... you," Brendan said. So he was following her every command... "Fuck me good, Brendan. Long and slow, real deep," Danielle whispered, driving her will into his mind. His hips jerked once, driving his cock as deeply into her as it would go. She gasped and moaned loudly as her eyes rolled up in her head. Brendan pulled at her ass with his hands and wiggled his hips, still embedded in her, and Danielle forgot all about commanding slaves. The stirring of Brendan inside her, the sound of their rapid breathing, the contact of their bodies took precedence. She pushed her hips downward as Brendan moved languidly, all the while fully in her cunt. She rolled her hips in circles, twisting the wonderful cock around moving it wherever she pleased. The pressure began to rise, starting from inside. Danielle leaned forward, commanded by some small voice only she could hear, her actions coming instinctively, hips snapping downward, driving her clit forcefully, repeatedly, into Brendan's pubic ring. Danielle's body convulsed on top of him. She knew she had screamed, but she couldn't have stopped it as orgasm ripped her existence apart. Her legs spasmed violently, triggering a second shock wave that went through Brendan's body as well. He grunted loudly, ramming up at her, followed by a wet, warm pulse inside her. This was her man, her love, and his cum was hers tonight, as it would be as many nights as she wanted. The world danced around her and she closed her eyes and collapsed around Brendan for a little while. She came down from her orgasmic high slowly; Brendan's cock was once again flaccid, and they were no longer joined. Danielle's upper thighs were sticky, separating from Brendan's with a quiet noise. She was wet all over, her hair sticking and matted to her forehead and the sides of her cheeks. The house felt cool. How long have I been like this? I knew Brendan could fuck but--this had been fantastic. Look at you, she mused as she got up from the sofa, sweating, full of cum and feeling... won- derful. Her post-orgasmic glow vanished when she looked at Brendan again. He was still sitting motionless on the sofa. His glassy stare gave Dani a bigger chill than the evaporating sweat. It had been incredible sex, but it hadn't been the passionate lovemaking she desired. Danielle had just fucked a mindless sex slave. Despite the intensity of her orgasm, she was even more frustrated now than she had been earlier. Danielle looked at her slave. She decided to see just how mindless Brendan was. "Brend-a-a-aan," she sang, drawing his name out the way she used to coerce him into something, "Come here and lick my pussy." He was always good at that. She got the feeling that Brendan's condition wasn't good when she had to repeat her request and use the power to make him move. He stuck his tongue out and lapped dutifully at her, like a puppy dog, without any of the flair, creativity, or sense of emotion that had thrilled her on numerous occasions. "Brendan, stop." Danielle's imperative echoed her annoyance. Brendan kept going. "I said, _stop_," she repeated, using the power this time. His head rose up from between her legs, the vacant expression in his eyes haunting her. Brendan was *completely* hers. "Dammit!" Danielle screamed in anger and frustration. This is not good. This is not at all what I wanted. She lit a cigarette and evaluated her thrall. There he was, naked, gorgeous, and at her command. That was the problem. She had to command him to do _everything_, and use the power to boot. The smile, the wit, the personality that had been Brendan were gone. Dani made him get dressed, but she realized that she couldn't very well send him home in his present condition. The Coven Danielle's Weekend (continued) Gina. Gina would know what to do. Danielle picked up the phone and hurriedly dialed the castle. A servant answered, which wasn't surprising given that it was about four in the morning. She explained her problem quickly, then became frustrated while the man waffled, finally refusing to disturb Gina. "Tell her it's an _emergency_." Danielle was rapidly losing her patience; if only the power worked over the phone. She hung up on him as he refused a fourth request, and decided to just go to the castle. Danielle dressed quickly, grabbed Brendan's car keys, and said, "Brendan, follow me." He fell into step behind her as she sent a small amount of the power into him. She even had to command him to get in the car for the half-hour drive to the castle. Dani rang the bell frantically, and the night servant opened the door. "Brendan, come in, and stand next to me." It was getting to be a pain to have to use the power so much. She turned to the servant, fighting the urge to yell for Gina in the entry hall. "I need to speak with--" Danielle took a breath and calmed down a little. "--Her ladyship," she finished. The servant hesitated, obviously afraid to wake his employer and mistress at five in the morning. Danielle didn't have time for this. She sent the man up to Gina's suite, cutting off his protest with a sharp jolt of the power, while she waited impatiently. Her Brendan robot stood next to her, with no sign of any emotion. The urge to yell for Gina reasserted itself. *** Gina Mansfield sighed sleepily. The servant had barged into her bedroom urgently asking for her. The commotion had awakened Andrew as well, but she had quickly put him back to sleep. "Tell Danielle that I will be down presently," Gina told Charles. She gave the frightened servant a soft mental caress for a few seconds to ease his worry, to let him know that his mistress understood. It wasn't his fault. Whatever had agitated Danielle so had better be worth the interruption. Gina put on a robe and some slippers without hurry, then left the room. She looked over the railing from the third floor and saw Danielle and a young man she was not familiar with. It was easy to see Danielle's unease, even from the third floor landing. As Gina headed down the steps, she looked at the young man's aura: it was a beautiful reddish-orange color, and it was static. Frozen. She sighed again; this was bound to happen eventually with Danielle. "Gina!!!" Dani called in relief at the sight of the coven leader. "Hush, Danielle," Gina returned quietly. "There _are_ people asleep in the castle, and sound carries _so_ well in the Grand Hall." She wanted this incident kept quiet. Something like this would disturb servants and initiates alike. "Charles, you may go back to the office. I will take care of Miss Gray." Gina made a mental note to wash this event out of Charles' memory later in the day. Turning to Brendan and Danielle, she said, "The two of you follow me." Oh, _shit_, I'm really in for it now, Dani thought. Then she noticed that Brendan was already following Gina. She quickly followed her thrall and the coven leader up the staircase. Danielle began to apologize and explain simultaneously. "I'm sorry I woke you up but I didn't know what else to do--" "_Yes_, Danielle, I know," Gina interrupted sharply. In spite of her annoyance at the powerful young initiate, Gina was a little pleased: this situation could probably be turned to her advantage. The two women entered the library, along with Brendan's ambulatory body. "Shut the doors, Danielle," Gina ordered as she marched over to her favorite chair in the castle. "Now, as for your little--problem--here," she began, waving at Brendan. "You have essentially taken over his mind. Completely. You have subjugated the core of his very being. Congratulations, my dear," Gina said sarcastically. "But, before you get hysterical, it is most likely not permanent, and we should be able to cure him." The coven leader watched Danielle relax quite a bit. "However, it would be prudent if you didn't see him for a while. About a year or so, I would think." The initiate's face collapsed into shock and disbelief instantly. "But--but..." What Gina had just said _couldn't_ be right. "We were gonna get _married_," Dani whined. She was so close to getting Brendan to propose... "I mean, this hasn't happened ever before." With a rueful smile, Gina said, "I know. You would have come to me if it had. Tell me, Danielle, whose idea was marriage? Yours, or his?" "He was gonna ask soon, an' I want him _back_," Danielle whimpered, evading the question. "_Whose idea was this_, Miss Gray?" Gina reiterated, unperturbed. "It appears that you have been using the power in an effort to make him fall in love with you. My guess is--don't interrupt," she said, cutting off Danielle's imminent protest as the initiate's face took on the "wounded innocent" look. "My guess is that you've been making him believe that he is in love with you. Now, he is not so sure about that when he's away from you. What has happened is that your commands are in direct conflict with his emotions, and that is what has led to this unfortunate situation." "Then I'll remove my commands. I want Brendan back the way he was," Danielle sniffed haughtily. "It was working before," she added plaintively. "You may _try_ to remove your commands, but that won't change anything, Danielle." Gina sighed loudly as painful memories assailed her. She closed her eyes for a few moments to push them away. "You have forced your desires into the very core of his being, where they are tangled with his own. The effort needed to remove them is not insignificant; besides, you don't have enough skill in the power to succeed. If you were to try," Gina warned, "you would end up removing whatever your commands are tangled with in his core. Given the current state of your abilities, it is almost certain that Brendan will be left permanently like this. He would be unable to think, or act, except on command from a coven member using the power." Gina paused, waiting for the impact of what she had said to hit Danielle. Experience was the best teacher, but a harsh and demanding one. "I have warned you about careless, constant use of the power. I have tried to tell you that it will demand a high price from those who fling it about thoughtlessly." She paused again, mostly for dramatic effect. "I believe that you have just made the first payment," Gina concluded, knowing that she had made her point upon seeing Danielle's expression. For the first time, the young coven member had realized that the power wasn't without its negative aspects. "Take Brendan to the fourth floor and give him a room, dear. It's late. You should go to your quarters and get some sleep as well. I will speak with you later today, but I think we all need to be well-rested and alert." Gina's tone carried the message very well. Nothing else was going to be done until later today. "Yes, your ladyship," Dani grumbled. She commanded Brendan to one of the servant rooms, then went to her room on the third floor, undressed hurriedly, and plopped into bed, very upset. This whole weekend, one that had been so full of promise when it started, had turned out to really suck. ***