the consensual voyeur... mf He peered out through the fogged windshield of his Mustang at the approaching headlights. The light of the street lamp across the street from his car illuminated the nearing vehicle enough for him to recognize the outline of her car. It seemed to him her car glowed as the street light reflected off the rain-slicked skin of the auto's roof. He looked at his watch impatiently. Expecting her 45 minutes ago, he decided a bit of good-natured nagging was in order; she would not have spared him had he been the tardy one. As she emerged from the car, she bowed her head in mock shame. "So sorry mah-stah," she growled in a gravelly voice. He cocked his head to one side, his eyebrows to the other. "You slacker!" he thundered like a Shakespearian giant. He had half an urge to thump his chest in the universal language of manly assertion techniques. "Consider yourself lucky time is the only currency I ask for the use of the hot tub!" Ouch, he thought."Those who sponge must not be too pushy." Shut up, he thought. "Come inside, goofball," she clucked. Stepping through the threshold of her door, he felt a warm rush of energy. He liked it here. "Shorts?" he queried. He had a loaded gun in that question. "Yes, you have to wear shorts." She got the first shot off as she rounded the corner, disabling his intention. "No fun, no fun at all any more. No sense of adventure!" he shouted as she threw the shorts at him. The rain leapt in little drops and streams onto her hot tub cover. He wondered what the water was like, hoping it was almost too hot to bear. She had never liked it that hot. She emerged from her room wearing a dress she had excitedly told him about earlier. He had been awaiting its debut on her delicious form for a whole day. The mental images he had conjured up many times in those 24 hours had been grossly incomparable to the image of her there in front of him. She said nothing as she did her little turns in front of him in her living room. His eyes followed the black silhouette of her smooth curves. She looked illegally delicious, he thought, and unconsciously wet his lips. She tilted her head innocently to one side and her hair fell like satin from her supple bare shoulder. His heart beat a little faster. A smile crept across his face and his eyes sparkled when she looked into them. An invisible arc of electricity crossed the room between the two of them. Their friendship warmed itself by the fire that she created in him. He had never thought a platonic relationship could be so incredibly charged and remain at that level without sex becoming an issue. He knew it at that moment. "Do you have pearls?" he wondered out loud. She ducked into her room and returned with a short strand of cultured pearls around her strong, well-toned neck. The picture in his mind of her sitting in that dress looking better than he'd ever seen her... it would be indelible. His resolve weakened to her. But like a child, she remained perfectly in a state of feigned innocence and ignorance to his desire for her. He did not mind; rather, it pleased him to be tantalized by her, unattainable as she was to him for anything but a playmate; he could be nothing more and remain as true to her. She looked at him as if to verify his pleasure with the dress, but she knew what he was thinking. Still- to hear him betray himself- she gently tugged at his hand, urging his heart to reveal its secrets. And readily, he was led to betray his soul for her. She knew of his affection for her and the feelings he had struggled to suppress, and she was gentle with them. She had struck the perfect balance between rejection and acceptance of what he wanted and what they both knew he could do for her. He knew the boundaries of acceptance and respected them. It was a quiet, unspoken joy they shared; but she could make him sweat, and the both enjoyed that without regret. He felt like he should be sweating then, as she proceeded to slide out of her stockings; she teetered, first on one foot, then the other- letting him see just far enough up the tight black skirt to make him close his eyes and sigh heavily, groaning longingly. The danger of the moment drove them both to their unspoken threshold. He wobbled there just long enough to wonder about his own limit of control. When she had put on her suit to go soak with him, he went out and moved the lid of the tub. She walked lightly over the chilled dampness of the darkened porch, squinting against the rain. She had mixed a drink, and was carrying it carefully as she stepped into the tub. He let his eyes follow her barely-clad figure out from the kitchen onto the porch. He shot a jealous thought at the water of the tub as it engulfed her feet... her legs... her hips, oh... her waist... mmm, her breasts... She pretended not to notice the blatant stare, coyly measuring his state of arousal. He was still in control of his thoughts, though barely. She knelt on the seat of the tub and turned on the jets. He closed his eyes and concentrated intently on the spot in the small of his back where the jet gently pulsed. He was floating in his mind... in the water... in time. His hand reached out in his mind to caress her thigh; and as he touched it, she let out a soft, low moan. He opened his eyes, startled at the reality and the sheer sultriness of the sound. He strained to see her face through the steam that rose between them. She had her eyes closed and wore a suspiciously contented grin; reaching slowly for her drink, she looked at him in a way that pushed him past the point of bodily restraint. She sipped her drink languorously, as if the action of drinking the liquid in that shimmering glass drenched her soul with fire. She was glowing at him, like an ember of passion through the dark across the hot tub. Only her face, awash in a secret ecstasy, was visible to him through the steam; the rest of her warm body rested beneath the broiling surface of the tub's water. The energy of the moment ignited his imagination. The sky behind his eyes was on fire. As she opened her eyes, her gaze found him measuring her every movement. Time froze for him there in the dim glow of light from the kitchen. He seemed paralyzed; she embodied fluid freedom. She had complete unspoken control of the moment; and she knew she would not lose it- or his attention. Her foot brushed his somewhere in the depths of the bath. He was buzzing. His head spun wildly with fantastic images and possibilities, all of which seemed completely in her control. Would she decide to extend the unspoken boundaries of their relationship then, there? He waited for her to move to him, through him. But she stayed there in her corner, his gaze her captive. He knew she wanted him to remain where he was, but there was also a flash of mischief in the words her eyes were whispering to him. In the water before him, he could see a piece of clothing floating his direction. As he held them up he realized from her smile she was enjoying her secret immensely. Before he could react, she turned away from him and had thrown her feet over the side of the tub as if she was going to float face up in the bath. He was silent, wondering what to do, when he realized he was only to watch. She didn't lay back in the water as he thought she might; she was instead holding on to the slats in the bannister around the tub. With a flash of light inside his head he became aware of the jet in the small of his back; watching her position and movements he tried to imagine how high the jet would be pulsing against her body... her torso pressed tightly against the wall of the tub; she was arched forward, the taut muscles of her back glistening in the subdued light of the patio. He examined the clothing in the water, exposing her secret to him. He clenched them in his teeth, seething with an erotic electricity. Her hips pressed closely to the jet on the wall of the tub, gently flexing, thrusting, twisting... his condition advanced towards unbearability. A raging torrent of blood raced through his ears, traveling south towards his own fire, threatening to burst the seam on his shorts. He longed to show her, but it was her show. With each quick breath from her, he hurtled headlong towards a thunderous collapse of all control. Yet he knew he would not move from this spot-nor could he- so strong was her influence. Only she could say yes or no. As he writhed, her writhing became increasingly more impassioned; hands searching, grasping for a better hand-hold form which to meld with the source of her mounting pleasure. He studied her intently, shivering from each gentle moan wafting across that distance between them from her direction. He imagined himself to be the jets beneath her; painting her with his tongue; lightly, rhythmically, frantically smashing down the barriers of pleasure she did not know existed. His was a complete, hollow ecstasy; with her but not within her. He wanted to be inside her, feeling her emptiness as he would withdraw; feeling his own completeness as he joined with her, further driving them past the boundaries of fleshly sensation. Her ecstasy had reached its apogee; and as she came tumbling from those heights, his hips thrust forward spasmodically in time with her own. Could there be a more complete marriage of torture with pleasure? he thought. Another flash in the darkness behind his eyes, and a sudden realization he was not where he had been. He awoke in his own bed, disoriented. Disappointed. A purging of desires forever unsatiated...