Ramone looked down into Julia's eyes. Perspiration ran down his brow, his cheeks, and his neck. His sides heaved as he sucked in deep lungsful of much-needed air. She was just as sweaty and breathless. Their bodies were almost welded together, their lips only inches apart. "You were," he almost whispered, "as you say, magnificent." His deep, masculine voice and Spanish accent were distinct and clear in that newly silent room. "No," the raven-haired woman replied. "You were fabulous." Her voice, deep and sultry, was a perfect match to his. As was her body. Both were tall and lean, with his 6'3" muscular frame overtopping her curvaceous body by 6" - that is, when she wasn't wearing those black stiletto heels he loved so much. "I think you liked today, yes?" asked the swarthy gentleman. "Oh, Ramone, it can't get any better than this, can it? You've taken me to heights I would never have believed possible." "Senora, with the right partner, one can aspire to heaven itself. You, you are the one who fires my passions, who ignites the flame that drives me to perform as never before. This is the first time I have felt such from any woman!" "I feel that heat every time we touch, every time you hold me in your arms. When your body is moving against mine, I never want it to end." "Si, I feel the same. Yet, we both know it must." "I know." She brushed back his hair with her fingers. "My husband is probably wondering why I'm so late again." "True. My Maria wonders the same sometimes. She asks me many questions. Does your husband ask questions?" "No, not any more. He lets me do my thing, and I let him do his." "Can he no longer bring you to life like this?" "Oh God no! He never could. And since his accident, he can barely get out of his easy chair. He is jealous of us, but he controls it well." "That is a good thing. So when next, Senora?" "Well, I've got a P.T.A. meeting Thursday, and I promised the kids we'd go out to a movie on Friday. I'm free Saturday..." "Then Saturday it shall be. Will you be ready to learn more by then?" "I'm always ready for you, Ramone." "Fabulous. A few more months and you will know every move I have. And then ..." "Then we'll be ready for the National Tango Championships!"