The Adventures of Me and Martha Jane 2A"( bf mF mF+ ) I believe that Martha Jane, like me, was mostly curious at first. And it seems that my surprise and delight at our intimacy was matched only by her own surprise and delight at my enthusiasm and cooperation. But we never mentioned our secret to each other when she visited my Mom or when we greeted on the front porch on our way to school in the mornings that followed. Several weeks later, a few days after Christmas, the city was inundated by a heavy winter snow--something Southern cities seldom experienced. The whole town knew the weather was coming and Mom had a date to go to what had been set up as a White Christmas dinner at one of the fancy hotel ballrooms that were popular in the late 1940's. It was a Friday night. Martha Jane darkened our bedroom and sat on the bed with me, watching the snow. The bed was in its usual place in that little room, pushed lengthwise against the wall next to the big double-window. We leaned on the window sill and talked and watched the falling snow. I don't remember what we talked about, but she had told me a story about something- or-other and I was astonished and said, "Really?", and she said "Yes, it really happened like that!", and I squealed "REALLY?", and she made a wide-eyed face back at me and said, "Yes, REALLY!", and we were both giggling. I have no idea what the subject was, but I remember the essence of the moment as playful, trusting and warm. She settled her chin on one hand on the window sill, and I did the same. She said in a hushed tone, "Listen. Be very, very quiet, and listen." "Okay," I said loudly, smirking. "Shh!" she said, and we giggled again, and then we sat very still. Soon I whispered. "There's so much snow, but it's so quiet." "No," she whispered. "You can hear it falling. Listen." We stayed perfectly still. In the night outside the window the entire project was covered in a thick, globby blanket of white. The snow fell with a dreamlike lazy slowness, but so densely it made the buildings seem dark gray instead of dark brick-red, and completely obscured the contours of the access driveway that ran behind our building. I strained nearer the window and listened. After a short time I could indeed hear the muffled, barely audible whisk of falling snow. "Hear it?" she asked. "Yeah." "You wouldn't deceive me would you, mister? You really hear it?" "Yeah," I breathed, fascinated. "Really." We leaned on our chins and listened more. I turned to her in quiet excitement at this revelation of the noise of snowflakes falling, but as my eyes met hers I melted into speechless jelly. She was watching me with a look of warm, affectionate, captivating tenderness. All I could do was look back into her eyes helplessly until, embarrassed at my own startling feelings, I made a funny, scrunched-up face. She wrinkled her nose at me. "And 'that' to you too," she said, "silly-face." Then she jumped off the bed. "Bubble time!" she announced, and off we went to the bathroom. She undressed down to her panties, bra, and slip and held up the bubble-bath pack and let it go, and I hopped in to splash around and build my usual nose-high mountain of bubbles. I didn't notice until slightly later that she stood there for quite some time after reaching back to the hook on the bathroom door to fetch her skirt and blouse; after thinking about it she returned her clothes to the door hook. She removed her slip as well, and knelt by the tub again in her undies. I got out of the tub and dried off. Once again, after a long hesitation, she put her fingers around my cock. Remembering this from before, I stood still and watched her play with me. I hardened, and tickles spread through my tummy. I looked at her and grinned, and her eyes met mine with a widening look of recognition and pleasure. "That's good," I murmured. "Yeah? You still like this, huh?." I told her I did, and something made me shove my pelvis slightly forward (a totally unconscious movement toward her fingers, the source of my pleasure), which caused her to look up again in sur- prise and a strange kind of glee. The two of us seemed urged on by some outlandish, mutually shared impulse to make the gestures and say the words we did. As she played we watched my cock harden and twitch. She said we would be more comfortable if I sat on the edge of the tub as be- fore. I did so, and we both watched as she softly pumped me erect. I reached inside her bra and found a nipple, and we exchanged mutually knowing smiles as I gently squeezed her. She was still amazed at how my "teentsy" young organ became so enlarged. Soon I was thoroughly hard and she was grinning lewdly at me, a grin I quickly learned to return. These returned glances and simultaneous eye contacts occurred so often it seems they never ceased. They were another integral part of our communication with each other. It was part of the con- tinuous pattern of feedback and feed-in and feed-on that united us. Often it replaced thousands of words that might have been used to describe a feeling or a moment. This, too, began happening quite early in the relationship. Of course, I didn't climax. The incident soon ended and we returned to the bedroom. We continued watching the snowfall for a long time. I leaned sleepily on the window sill, and listened to her magical voice. She was talking about something she was doing at school. I was soon overcome by the languorous peace of being with her, something entirely absent from my relationship with my mother. When I opened my eyes again it was Saturday morning. My Mom was back home fussing around the house, and Martha Jane was gone. Several months went their course, and I passed my 7th birth- day. It was around that period, near May 1949, that several more interludes occurred. By this time I would get out of the tub and Martha Jane would be kneeling and waiting, and I would stand up and say, "Do me." She would set me on the edge of the tub and pump me erect, which she learned to maintain for longer and longer periods. I don't have a clear memory of what I physically felt at that time, but I recall that she and I kept finding ways to make it feel better. Martha Jane beamed delightedly at my responsiveness. "I love feeling it jump," she'd say, and she soon discovered that my cock jerked even more during her early attempts at using her tongue and mouth on it. Constantly we talked about how it felt and what we liked. Her favorite ploy was to hold me entirely inside her mouth, my tip barely extended into the narrow channel of her throat, and gently close her mouth around me and hold me that way so she could feel my cock throb against her tongue. I was still too young to have a true orgasm, but I had no feelings of frus- tration. Nor was I particularly anxious about when she would be sitting for me again. The aspects of our relationship that I sorely missed when we were apart for any significant time were our fondness for each other and the simple "rightness" of being with her and hearing her alluring voice and quiet girlish laughter. It was sometime during the summer that the bathing routine changed. It was probably the fourth or fifth episode. I got out of the tub and stood with my tummy sticking out lewdly so she could play with me, which she did. We both grinned and whispered in our naughty secret way as she stroked me, and she unhooked her bra so I could make little circles around her nipples. I watched her fingers on me and muttered, "It tickles." "Want me to do it slower or faster?" "Slower." "That way, hon?" "Yeah. That feels nasty." "You like it that way?" "Yeah." "You mean it feels better, is that what 'nasty' means?" "Yeah. Feels really good." She said, "That's what grownups say, hon, they'd say if it feels good it's nasty." She added ruefully, "They think anything that feels good is horrible. I really don't understand. You'd think people already have enough sadness and pain in their lives without making things worse." It was a concept that she and I would mention many times. It seemed to be something of which she was often terrified; now and then she would stop everything, look at me painfully, and then hold me close to her. This was one of the first of those occasions. Others would follow. But on that night it happened for the first time. She was saying to me, "Squeeze my nipple just a little, hon, really soft, the way I squeeze your dick...that's nice. I like it when you just stroke me, too, around my nipples for a while." I feathered my fingertips across and around her nipples, and she closed her eyes dreamily. "Hm-hm, yes...better, do that so well..." I was surprised at the reaction of her nipples. "They got stiff," I said. "Does it hurt when they get stiff?" "No, hon, it means it feels good. Just like getting you hard feels good for you." We played and whispered for a while. Then Martha Jane just stopped. Abruptly and completely, she dropped her hands and stopped everything. She settled back on her folded legs on the floor, and put her hands over her face. She did that only for a few seconds and looked up at me only because I had bent down closer to her. I saw she was suddenly saddened, and as I bent down she turned toward me with a look of pain and loss on her face. She spoke softly and plaintively and, as best as I can recall, she said: "Do you know who you are, Speedy? You are the smartest, cutest, most loving boy in the world. D'you know that, hon? But you're gonna grow up--". She stopped, and held me down closer to her face, so that our foreheads touched. "You are gonna grow up in a very strange world, with no daddy, like me. And a mommy who can't live for anything except dying and...goin' to be with God. Oh Speedy, don't you ever grow up to be like that. You hear? Don't grow up and be afraid and suspicious and narrow and mean. I know you'll grow up and be so good, and so sweet, and so smart and sensitive, but you'll feel like you're in hell because you're trusting and sexy and...other people don't tolerate that very well, it's all bad for them and they'll always say you're too different and--" I must have had a confused look on my face that made her stop. I'm sure I did. I don't remember all her words exactly, but I do know that at that time her words only partially made sense. She kissed my nose. The episode quickly ended when she stood up and said, "C'mon, hon. Beddie-bye."